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Full Version: Clearwater boat ?
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I'm heading to Orofino November 19-23 and I was thinking about taking my boat. Just not sure if it is a good idea or not. I have a 14' aluminum with a 25 hp prop. I think it would do o.k on the main river or even the north fork as long as I don't hit any shallow spots. What do you guys think? Good or bad idea?
I've run some prop there, mostly Salmon season, But have a 6hp on my drift boat and two things I insist on having! A spare prop and a really good prop guard!

you could work fine on the north fork if they are releasing some water from the dam. About a 100 yards above the NF boat ramp it can get a little shallow, with big Rocks,you'll want a spotter wearing Polaroids and go slow. Once you get above that your mostly OK until just below the dam, where it narrows through the shoot.

On the main river you might be OK if you stay in slaughterhouse and don't try to get below the corner at the North Fork. You might also put in at Pink House and stay in the McGill run.

I'd also make sure I'm never the lowest boat in the hole,If your motor dies you can float to help. That is, If you're not comfortable in ROWING to the next take out were your vehicle and trailer isn't at. Get a good 30+ lb anchor and about 100' of 3/8 to 1/2 inch poly anchor rode. And never ever tie your anchor line off the stern of your boat. BOW Only!!
Thanks for the help osprey. If I take it I was thinking of just going up river from where I put in. Then I can float back to the ramp I am parked at if I have trouble. I'm still not sure if I will take it. It is kind of a long haul from Rigby to Orofino. And I am not sure I would know how to fish it out of my boat well enough to increase my catch rates compared to fishing off the bank to justify pulling it clear up there. I guess I'll never find out if I don't try it huh! We'll see what happens when it gets closer.
Haul the boat!

try this spot on the North fork!
This was opening day last year

[Image: IMG00023-20101015-1821.jpg]

Tagged out with 1 buck & 1 hen
Opening day worked out alright?

[Image: DSCN0066.JPG]

I tossed a few back waiting for my buddy to tag~out, it was his 1st day ever steelhead fishing! We racked our rods shortly after we were able to net his second keeper.

[Image: DSCN0065.JPG]
Awesome day man! I am jealous.
Awesome! nice fish! you guys bobber fishing? might have to give up a weekend of hunting to make a trip down there. lol
Bobber, Yes!

1/8oz Micheal Jackson Jigs
(black body, white head with some flash)

Live sand shrimp (a guy brought out from Oregon City)

and dime size clumps of springer roe!

Slow day today.

Took this little guy on a black and white stonefly with double brass body beads, dropped below my MJ jig.
I had two take downs total, My buddy went 1 for 1on a 4lb sucker. Didn't see another steelhead caught, talked to a few of the guys on the Asahka bridge at noon and out of 20+ fisherman they caught 3 beat up salmon and 2 steelhead.

Some days they bite, some days they don't, that's why it's called fishing and not catching!

[Image: DSCN0073.JPG]
Taking a boat in the NF is like an adult fishing in a kids pond...... Let the bankies have the NF and keep the boats in the main!
The NF flow is down around 1200 CFS, We stayed out although I saw a few jet boats and prop jobs up there?

Plenty of Fish all over the system.

But,when I didn't feel comfortable propping around on the main river the North Fork made the learning curve easier.

Saw a lot more bankies on the main river than anywhere up the NF,I had to show my buddy the three Ring Circus at the base of the dam and I was suprised that there really weren't nearly as many fisherman on the NF as in years past.

I still recommend the NF to anyone that needs to learn current and anchoring in a small prop boat for there 1st time on a river.
Thanks for the info osprey. Hope you keep getting into them while you are there. I just found out they rent drift boats over in Kooskia also so I might consider that too instead of hauling mine clear up there.
Plenty of Fishing to be done between Kooskia and Kamiahi! It's a very nice float to side drift, plug or wake or nymph with a fly rod. There are also several good bobber holes. I only saw 8-10 boats down that whole stretch at about 12:30 yesterday.

Many people (notice I didn't say Fisherman) have been led to believe there won't be any fish there until winter, NOT TRUE! The guys that will tell you that are just stingy and want some solitude during their hook-ups
Not any more after we blab about it all over the internet.......... jeeze
Maybe you're right?

I should only log on to this sight to gather information, rather than help someone that asks.[:p]
Or maybe only log when you feel like criticizing someone. Seems to be the trend with some other people on here.
Beware of lurkers. We are like fish.

Here's my beef with hotspotting via the internet, I have no issue with sharing helpful tips and techniques. The clearwater used to be a great place to fish during the C&R season prior to the October 15th catch and keep opener. The river was nice and quiet and comprised mainly of fly fishermen, a few driftboats, and maybe the odd sled here and there that was "in the know." Before long a few major publications as well as several internet bulletin boards started "hot spotting" the clearwater for its great C&R season. Now the river is a of sleds, drifters, and flyfishermen all seeking this great fishing they heard about. Just something to consider is all when we share such information via the internet.