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Full Version: AK-47 or S.K.S and AR-15 or 10-22
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wanted to put a new look to some older guns i had.. so went and got a kit for the S.K.S and the ruger 10-22.. got the Tapco AK-47 for the S.K.S and the Archangel 5.56 for the ruger 10-22.. sweet kit's.. they look like new gun's..
Cool, looks like their ready for Pot Guts [sly]
Very nice ye ol fuzzy one! You ready for some ice?
dont know if i'm ready for the ice yet. but i'm looking forword to doing my part in putting as meny holes in the ice as i can this year..

but got to get my boy jonny his deer this year first. we have been planing that for a while.. he's so pumped up for the hunt.. his first year..
How much was the kit for the 10-22?
Good luck to you and Johnny! Hope you guys can find a nice one. Post up some pics when he puts one on the ground.
the 10-22 Archangel kit was 132.99 at cabelas..