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Full Version: Henrys Lake Report Oct. 15th-Pics Added
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Spent the day at Henrys all by my lonesome since my oldest son's had is broken (football). He was planning on learning to strip wet flies, but we'll have to save it for another time.

I started in the A-Frame bay. All went well as the lights came on I caught three fish in quick succession. One of them was a heavy 19" Brookie. Then I went three and a half hours without a hit. I moved further out yet still in shallow water and found some cutts. Most of them were 17-19". I didn't catch any fish bigger than that today. Most of the morning the lake was like glass which was beautiful, but I prefer a little chop for fishing ease.

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I got out of the water for a break and lunch around 1:00 having caught a dozen fish.

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I listened to the first half of the BYU game while eating and resting then I made my way to the state boat ramp. On the way I saw a few tubers fighting a heavy wind at the stump hole. It looked like there were a few small fish being caught at that location.

At the state boat ramp there was the usual elbow to elbow combat fishing going on in the hole to the West of the ramp. I made my way over there to see how things were going. (No I did not participate in the madness). As I sat and watched for a while I was happy to see several young fly fishers catching fish on chironomids. They were having a ball. I wish the 30 adults would have cleared out and just let them fish. I really think they should make this area a kids or handicapped area.

After awhile I felt ready to go so I put my pontoon back in and was quickly blown North a long way. I spent the next hour kicking back to Howard Creek. I really need to bring my motor.[crazy]

At Howard Creek there was a good pod of fish, but there was a boat on them. I gave them a respectful distance and still caught several nice cutts in the area.

[inline HenrysCuttHalloween.jpg]

All fish were caught on Halloween with a black tail today. I tried 7 other wet flies and had no success on any of my other options.

I really need an intermediate line. I was catching most of my fish in the first 2' of the water column. Most of the places were no more than 6' deep. My type 2 line sunk too fast and I had to strip a little too fast. They wanted a slow steady strip. An intermediate line really would have helped on a day like this. A dry line probably would have worked as well. I just don't like stripping flies with a dry line.

I'll upload some pics tomorrow.

Sounds like a pretty good day. Thanks for the post. I hope I can make it up there next weekend. I would love to catch some with the toon and fly rod.
Sounds like a good relaxing day. Wasn't the weather amazing yesterday!

I am sorry to hear about your boy's hand that is a bummer when they have to miss a fishing trip, and doubly bad missing a trip to Henry's.

I'm looking forward to some pictures. That big brookie is a catch and a half. Great report!
Cpierce, looks and sounds like your little streams and creeks are producing bigger trout these days...[cool]

Sending fast healing thoughts Wind.....
Why can't all Fall weather be like yesterday? I know, because then we would all think that we had died and gone to heaven. Let's hope some of this weather will carry on into November because my observations throughout southern Idaho leads me to believe we have plenty of water for next year if we have a normal winter.
great post windriver. I was up there also on saturday. must have just missed you as i left about noon. I was there with that group of younger fly fisherman. we were doing great early in the morning on olive buggers and the halloween also. it was kinda Sad to see. we didnt have many people on the west end (most were on the east not catching much) a few guys gave the kids henrys lake renegades and i gave some chironomids and a few buggers, they started catching fish and BAM guys everywhere between our group. Me and my fishing buddy decided to leave so that the younger kids had some more room to fish. (went to fall river and did well there also) my favorite part of the trip was this little maybe 3 or 4 year old named colton who ran from person to person when they were fighting fish with his stringer in his hand wanting to help release the fish. everyone was Sad to see him and his dad leave. What a great trip. i am with you, i wish the guys would have respected the younger kids willing to learn to fly fish.

heres my biggest of the day and also a picture of my friend with Colton
Great to hear about the good sportsmanship with the kids. It doesn't look near as crowded as when I got there after noon. I should have taken a picture. Glad you had a good time. I have a hole on Fall River I need to visit. It was too high earlier in the season.

yeah it got crowded fast when the fish turned on. literally quadrupled. i am used to this though from fishing back home in the lake erie tribs for steelhead but man when guys come out of nowhere and walk in between a father and son and start fishing, it really gets me so i left and gave the family more room. It was also my first trip to fall river which i thoroughly enjoyed. I was pretty dang swift saturday, my fishing partner said it was slightly high but it was fishable. i believe we got about a dozen trout between us in the couple hours we fished.
I am not to use to it, but you are dead on on the crowds.
We went off the other direction from the flock and as soon as a couple saw bent rods which is hard to hide with 9'ers [laugh] we not only watched them move in, we felt them with their wakes.

Fish are all over, but there is a couple of buckets that people like and understandable. Some travel quite far and do not want to leave empty handed.
I will say I think the fishing is 75% easier in the past three years. Maybe they are stocking more with the changing the closing dates. More fish with a few trophies, but a lot of standard size.
Landscape alone is worth the trip, plus West Yellowstone 15 minutes away.

Hats off to you all that have done so well. Nothing like it.
I cant say how much I am in love with Henrys lake....after growing up fishing for mtn brooke trout and browns In central Pa its nice to come to a place and have the opportunity to have trout bend your rod in half all day long. My father back in PA gets super jealous when I send home pictures. : ) He questions if I am really out here in Rexburg for college or not hahaha. cant wait for him and my little brother to come out for a fishing week or two next year when hes retired. Honestly I thank everybody for all the information I have been given on BFT really helped me find some great areas to make some memories.
We stayed clear of that area as we trolled through. Were you to the west in the red boats? We caught alot of the standard 14-15"size this year. Landed 8 that were from 20-25" and using standard fall colors Saturday. At 6pm we found a spot where we sat and tossed lures until dark and caught fish every 3rd or 4th cast. No wind and only moved 100 feet drifting in that time. The 2 young kids had a great time reeling in the fish and even catching their own. Will be there in 2 weeks to do it again and hoping for no ice.