12-29-2001, 10:55 PM
Oregon Fishing Update<br><br><br>December 28th - January 3rd, 2002<br><br>Fisheries update: Effort for sturgeon on the Columbia waned over the last week owing to high wind conditions. Trojan has slowed, Kelly Point/Terminal 6 and Frenchman's Bar has picked up. Best baits are smelt, sand shrimp and squid. There has been some effort with a degree of success for sturgeon in the Tillamook River. <br><br>Coastal rivers are fishing well now for steelhead with good days reported on the Wilson and North Fork Nehalem. Sandy and Clackamas anglers are taking steelies as are plunkers at Meldrum Bar. The Sandy remains a little high for best fishing. Three hatchery steelhead may be retained from the Lower Willamette, Sandy, Clackamas and North Fork Santiam Rivers through December 31st. <br><br>In the absence of significant rainfall, crabbing should be good following this weekend's minus tides. Razor clams will be available at Seaside in Oregon and Long Beach in Washington state in the evening hours Sunday through Tuesday. Excess adult steelhead have been planted in Coffenbury Lake. Reminder: New licenses and tags will be required for fishing as of January 1st. <br><br>Have this report e-mailed to you weekly, for FREE or sign-up for the complete Oregon fishing forecast written by professional guides.<br><br>The Guide's Forecast<br>We help people catch more fish!<br>http://www.TheGuidesForecast.com/<br><br>Get more Oregon fishing information at<br>http://www.theguidesforecast.com