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yesterday going to the part house , i noticed a guy holding a VERY nice trout that was flopping in his arms.he was in a nearly dried up canal off emerald ave. anybody find any fish in these canals in boise ? fish in them ? i have heared the new york canal in nampa for fish salvage but didn't know of boise.
Fish are in all the canals.
I have a feeder canal from the NY canal behind my house. I have found several nice trout beached or in very small puddles. One was a beautiful 28" long rainbow. The raccoons will be busy tonight.

Many years ago Ted Trueblood wrote an article for Field & Stream about fishing the NY canal with hoppers. If you don't remember Ted Trueblood, he was probably Idaho's greatest outdoor writer and lived in Nampa.
I have a book of Ted's called the Ted Trueblood hunting treasury. When I was a kid we used to see a lot of fish in the canal. I don't see as many now that they poison the canal to kill the moss. Ron
I read in Trout Unlimited about fish in canals in Wyoming. More fish die in them than are killed by anglers. There might be a local chapter that saves them and transports them back to the river.
Some years local bass clubs salvage fish from the exit canals at Lake Lowell. The fish are netted and then released back into the lake above the dams. There is also usually a scramble for the fish by those looking for some fish to eat.
It is a great thought to save them and put them where they will be safe, but DON'T do it on your own. You have to get permission and permits from F&G or you will be in big do do. Think... bucket biology.
I fished them back in the '80's in the deeper pools after the water dropped. All the way from Amity Rd thru town with grasshoppers. Caught some nice two and three pounders. Might as well go for it, they'll only go to waste.