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Full Version: jonnys first Deer hunt..
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well with all the planing ploting and getting ready.. it was fineley the big day.. Jonny as excited as if it was X-mass day.. well loaded up to hit the area we have been planing for 2 months too hunt.. got in the truck got about 5 miles from the house about 6:00 the wife calls and asks if i would like my wallet.. damn need to turn around and go back.. back on the road and headed to right way lol.. well got to the area and started hunting after about 2 hours we got where we wanted to be but all we found was big bull elk 3 of them.. never seen a deer all day in that area.. about 2:30 i said let's try some where diffrent.. ran over to maple canyon and headed to the top. (note to self never do that again) that road about shook my teeth out and jonnys too.. well again we are not seeing anything any where.. half way to welles canyon jonny say's dad theres a deer and it has a rack!! i stop and back up and there it was a nice looking buck looking right at us.. he jumps out of the jeep still trying to load the gun the deer just stays right there waiting for him.. he finley gets the gun loaded and takes aim with the .243 700 remington and takes the shot. it's his firsh shot at a deer first day he hunted and first kill!! that thing droped like a ton of bricks right now and did not move.. and to boot it's a big 4 point.. the hunting god's smilled on him today.. that was the only deer we seen all day!
here is the pic..
Right on Ron! Tell him congrats, I'll bet he dreamed about that all night long!
Congats! Jonny very nice first buck. [Wink]
Wow, very nice. Congrats on his first buck, I wish my first would have been that nice. That one will be tough to beat. Good job to the both of you.
Congrats Jonny on a great deer. Never hurts to be lucky.
Hey Congrats guys! Jonny,, your first buck is certainly larger than mine was. Congrats Jonny!
How cool is that! I bet he still hasn't come down. Tell him congrats...
Congrats Jonny. Very nice buck and great story.
Never underestimate the 243, it's a killer and looks like your boy is too! Congratulations that's awesome!