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Full Version: Henrys 10/24/2011
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Well got there about 830, and for once was solo and just wanted to focus on flys. Did a few setups with chrinos, san juan worms and hooked a couple of fish. Was slow. 2 fish until 1045 ish. Was seeing fish work on the surface and being a dry fly slut I decided to try tossing drys. Not saying what I went to but its my old stand by searching fly that I tie on when ever I have no clue and bam. 2nd cast. Ended up with between 12-15 to hand between then and 1 when i had to leave to make it to class. I did put a pheasant tail dropper on to see just per chance how it was. Hooked a couple on it. Shared the info with the guys right next to me and they were hooking up on top also. Sooooooo moral of the story for me.........pays to step outside the box sometimes and go against the tried and true methods people use to catch fish.
So you saying you used a dry?[laugh]
haha some thing like that, guys next to me were from a slc shop and when I told him to tie a dry on he was a skeptic.... until i I turned 2 fish in 6 casts. Granted this was over by the boat ramps so take it for what its worth. Wasn't many people fishing it this morning.
Very cool, that is my goal, but I want the dry to be a mouse pattern.
Hey, if they are playing on top, Dry/Dropper is truly the way to go.
That would be awesome. Im a noob and a half to henrys. South fork was garbage friday afternoon and was frustrated so decided to try something newer.

Was nice to not have tons of people there.
Probably a good idea there where the fish are concentrated and they have seen every wet fly known to man in the last couple of weeks. That would have been interesting to see. I'm telling you 90% of the time you can't get them to go on dries at henrys, but I have seen a couple caught on dries in the past. I'm just jealous because I have never gotten them to work there.

[quote windriver]Probably a good idea there where the fish are concentrated and they have seen every wet fly known to man in the last couple of weeks. That would have been interesting to see. I'm telling you 90% of the time you can't get them to go on dries at henrys, but I have seen a couple caught on dries in the past. I'm just jealous because I have never gotten them to work there.


This is what I have heard from lots of people and I believe em. Tried to gather as much info this summer from people I know that fish it on the regular. Its a nice change, still pretty sure I won't get to hooked on it since I like the remote solo places too much. But if I see fish rolling on the surface its game on. Something about seeing that gaping mouth coming up to swallow your fly on the surface that gets me pumped.

I know it was a shot in the dark today and was a lot more luck than skill that got me into em.............. But hey some times it happens and when it does I just Smile and enjoy it cause they are far and few between when the fishing god's Smile like that!
I guess I can't give that much credit for FISH intelligence. If they are hungry and on top, go for a dry or emerger, all else is nymphs and leeches.
I just don't think they are smart enough to think, oh I have seen that before, I ain't goin there...LOL If they are hungry , I am betting anything with the right presentation will work. But, I still wanna try that mouse...he, he, he
