Fishing Forum

Full Version: MSBG Jake, Guntersville, Bass, 26 Oct 2011, Don and Dave
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26 Oct 2011, Lake Guntersville Fishing Reports – Don and Dave had a great day on Guntersville. We spent 98% of the time throwing SPRO Frogs today. The frog bite is the best in over two years. Don (Dad) had two fish well over five pounds today, between the both of them they would have had a darn good limit in the area of 18-20 pounds or better. At last count we had 17 fish between us and missed the hook set on twice that many. Water temps are holding at 63 to 65 degrees. The grass is producing for some exciting fall frog action. I still have a few days available in October and we’re already booking November and December! Make your reservations now for some great action on Guntersville, Nickajack or Tim’s Ford. We supply all fishing gear, lures at no additional cost you and 110% dedication to making your trip successful. “Let’s go fish’ in”<br /> <br />More photos available on my website<br />