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Full Version: Steelhead report
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Had a fun time fishing this past week with some friends from work. We fished Thursday thru Saturday and we caught 6 fish between 8 guys. Not the best catching but still had a good time. We floated from tower rock to 4th of July and Indianola to Spring creek. We had alot more hook ups but just couldn't get them in the boat. It seems like there are quite a few fish in the river now from what we also saw other people catching. I got lucky and caught 2 of the 6 fish. One was around a 30" wild buck that put up a heck of a fight.
Thanks for the report. I'll be fishing that exact same stretch of river this Friday - Sunday.
Nice fish! we were camped at spring creek all last week and pulled out on the 29th. No fish caught in our group fishing from the bank. the fishing was slow for many in the begining of the week but was picking up as the week progressed.
Nice Fish. P.M. sent.
Nice fish, I love to float that section. If I can drag myself from the bird hunting i will be up there next week.