Fishing Forum

Full Version: new guy from idaho!
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Hey just throwing up my introduction post, I'm a brown trout bum who loves the outdoors and especially fishing for trout. I'm not stuck on any one method of fishing and love to just catch fish. I run around mostly in eastern idaho but make trips into Montana, Utah, and Wyoming when the fishing is right and i can find someone to go with. I'm a big fan of catch and release but am definitely not opposed to keeping a fish to eat once in a long while.
[url ""][Image: menanbrown.JPG][/url][url ""][/url]
Welcome to the site Brownieguy, good looking fish in your profile pics. I'm going to move your post to the Idaho board so the local guys can say hi. Hope you enjoy your time here on BFT.
Welcome!!!!! hope you love this forum as much as I do.

You picked a good name as those are some of the "healthiest" browns I have ever seen! An amazing picture collection. Congratulations on some great catches!

Looks like you fish the Snake a lot. Do you use flies, lures, bait, or a special secret something to bring those big boys in???
Welcome brother!
Welcome aboard!!

Browns are my favorite in the trout family to catch. Love the pics.
welcome aboard [cool] and great looking fish
When I first saw your handle "brownieguy" I thought mabye you had a real affection for fudgy deserts or you were stuck in the 1970's!!! LOL[Image: happy.gif]

BUT... after seeing the pix of the monster browns.... I can see you are one heck of a fisherman!

Welcome to BFT.

thanks for the replies guys! yeah I love spending a day on the river, I really fish a few different ways depending on what is working, I use different lures or flies depending on what the fish are focusing on, I even caught my first trout on a minnow this fall, i tend to not have the patience to just sit and wait on bait to catch fish though so I tend to toss lures or flies more often.
Welcome. Looking forware to many good posts in the future. Some beautiful fish there! Mike
Howdy and welcome. That is one huge brown you've got there--what did that monster weigh?

[quote brownieguy]i tend to not have the patience to just sit and wait on bait to catch fish though so I tend to toss lures or flies more often.[/quote]
I'm with you on this. Don't mind using bait from time to time, but only when nothing else is working and only if it gets instant results. Plus, it seems to be harder on the fish because they tend to take baited hooks deeper.
Welcome Aboard , Looking forward to more of your posts. Curt G.
Welcome aboard!!