Alright with the cooler temps it isn't going to be long before it is time to break out the ice gear. Who is ready for some ice and another contest this year? Also what changes might you like to see from last years contest?
I'm ready, I was fine with last years contest the way it was.
Someone say the word and i'm in again this year.
I agree with Mattpeace. I think the rules are fine the way they were last year. Let's get this thing going.
Count me in again this year!. Can't wait!
I say Im in every year then chicken out cause it get tooo cold LOL ... Im committed this year so count me in
[quote sinergy]I say Im in every year then chicken out cause it get tooo cold LOL ... Im committed this year so count me in[/quote]
Um, er - me thinks the COLD actually HELPs the ice fishing, no??? Maybe I'm missing something.
Last year I was an ice virgin, so now I think I'm ready for some real action! Lets get it on!!!!
Hey bud - at least one thing you can count on - won't be any waterboard-ding on the ice. Maybe some snowboarding, or ice-sledding, but nix on the water.
Got me kids skates last year - so maybe they'll do a littel slip-sliding while I yanking my slimers and panfish!
There's the ice is frozen safe enough to walk on , You can take your jacket off and no need to setup the shanty cold.
There's Bone chilling, leave your drink on the ice for a minute and its frozen, you spilled soup on your pant leg now bibs are frozen stiff, and the snot freezes to your face cold.
Id actually prefer to be waterboarded LOL j/k trust me ive spent plenty of time on the ice and there are times when you just say !@#$ it I'm staying in werez the remote [cool]
Pulled the tent out saturday and sat in it for a little bit,

ly no fish biting in my driveway. I can already hear Hyrum calling my name. I'm down for a little friendly competition, what are the terms?
PM sent. There is a sticky post at the top of the Ice challenge board with all the rules and prizes.
i know its a bit late but the format for the contest favors people who chase northern pike or tiger muskey it looks to me some one who get one of each of these and a good lake trout is the shoe in to win this hard to say but maybe only one of these 3 should be counted i know i go after big trout but ill be spending time chasing pike this year and a few pan fish
This has been kicked around before and I understand what you are saying, but this is a big fish contest. Contestants that are serious about winning will spend some time if not a lot of time targeting species that get big. In recent years of the contest, no contestant has posted more than one of the "bigger" species in the challenge. So limiting contestants to one of the big three wouldn't have made a difference.
Yes to win the contest it helps to catch some of the larger fish in the state but that is easier said then done. Looking back over some of my notes from the years before we stopped deleting the past years fish and posts I found some things I had forgot. The first year I helped with the contest the person in fourth was only out by two inches and had only posted seven fish. None of the fish posted were monsters but very nice fish. When I asked why he didn't post the last fish from the pan fish list he informed me he had been trying to catch that last fish for several weeks and just couldn't seem to catch the one he needed. In 09 Sewfish pulled a 29 inch catfish out of Yuba. Awsome surprise. She also caught a 27 inch carp that unfortunately didn't count. The first Tiger muskie posted after I started only took three years to catch. Sometimes big fish come to those who put in tons of hours and others just get lucky. Every year is different which is part of the fun.
Count me back in