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Full Version: Is the bullhead catfish from Utah lake eatable?
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Should I worry about the PCB level being too high? The bullhead is no more than two pounds.
I thought the consumption advisory was just for Channel Catfish. If you like bullheads go for it but personally that is one of the only game species of fish that I won't eat. Caught and ate a few from Pineview this year and they seemed too "greasy" for me. Just didn't taste all that good to me, and I eat ALOT of fish. Still if you like them be my guest and eat one. If you find a great way to prepare them let me know, I hate releasing fish.
Absolutely. I know some guys that claim they are one of the better fish to eat in Utah.
I wouldn't worry about that one Fish.

[quote TyeDyeTwins] I hate releasing fish.[/quote]

Ha ha...Its hard huh! I'm strictly "hook & Cook" too.
thanks. good to know that info. It is really hard to fillet it. I must say that they looked very healthy to me coz they are small and young.
I have done a lot of reading about this. The carp and the big channel cats have a level that is considered too high for mass consumption. Adults can have like 4 ounces a month with those. All other fish in Utah Lake tested out just fine, well below the federal guidelines. My girlfriend and I have been eating bullheads specifically out of Utah lake for a few months now. They are DELICIOUS. Catfish is definitely one of my top loved fish meats. Been catching them like crazy lately as well. So good. We have been just pan frying them with butter and a light dusting of lawrys season salt. Or deep fried with a fish fry batter. Yum Yum Yum Yum YUM!
I've eatin' hundreds, if not thousands of those little buggers. Perhaps that explain my,,,,,,,,,,,,,attitude.
See back in the day one of my favorite ways to cook em was to fish at night with a camp fire. I'd gut the muds and just toss em into the coals with their skin still on. A few minutes later they were ready to munch, just peel and eat. A cold beer and fresh caught, coals cooked, muddies,,,,, mighty fine eats!
But hey, I've been called a bit of a redneck,, whats more,, damn proud of it.. [sly]
I think all the Utah lake fish are safe to eat. I have consumed lots of fish from there through the years and I'm not so bad off. Smoked is the only way to go I think. But then again a good ole fashioned fish fry is hard to beat. Just make sure the kitties are cooked all the way through.
You should probably worry more about consuming too much mud than mercury. (Removed illegal)
Bullhead's can not be used as bait.
Whatever you say.
Well I must be an Asian redneck because I too gut um throw the whole thing in the fire and then just peel back the burnt skin and nothing but good white meat in there, throw in a spicy lime fish sauce with thai peppers and a side of rice thats a meal you pay for at some restaurants but not as fresh hmmmmm mouth watering just thinking about it.[laugh]
I think I'll try to eat one. Gutted them before and couldn't bring myself to it.