09-26-2003, 04:04 AM
RED RIVER, LA—Louisiana angler Allan Smith's 275-pound alligator gar seemed worthy of the media attention it was getting—until it was revealed that Smith had actually blasted the fish with a shotgun while dove hunting along Red River earlier this month.
After spotting and unsuccessfully trying to lasso the fish, Smith shot the big gar and took it to town to get it weighed.
Smith was so proud of his "catch" that he arranged an appearance on a local television station to talk about how he landed it. Smith also took the fish to a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries office.
Wardens soon apprehended Smith, who now faces a potential $700 fine and/or 120 days in jail if convicted of the Class IV violation.
After spotting and unsuccessfully trying to lasso the fish, Smith shot the big gar and took it to town to get it weighed.
Smith was so proud of his "catch" that he arranged an appearance on a local television station to talk about how he landed it. Smith also took the fish to a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries office.
Wardens soon apprehended Smith, who now faces a potential $700 fine and/or 120 days in jail if convicted of the Class IV violation.