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Can anyone tell me where i can buy carp meat and what fish normally bite it?

Hey threre, Many of the oriental markets sell whole carp. It is rather inexpensive and makes a good bait for catfish.
thanks a lot!!! In your opinion, do they favor carp meat over nightcrawlers?
i think they might favor carp meat over crawlers and it stay on the hook much better

Hey threre Guts, aquaman is right. In addition to that you get a lot more carpmeat for your dollar than you do the crawlers. Plus, the crawlers don't smell as bad as the carp meat. Remember there is a general rule for cats. The stinkier, the better. That is in most cases, but not all. Alot of it depends on the current water conditions and what is available in the local body of water that you are fishing.

From some information that I have gathered, I have learned from different parts of the country, the cats behave differently. In some areas they are using anchovies, mackeral, carp meat, worms, chicken livers and many other supriseing methods. I have even caught cats on trout power bait!!!

Just so you know, there is no sure fire method that will work everytime in every area. So good luck and come on back and tell us about your success. Here is a link that may help you from previous discussions. Check it out and it's up to you to go from there for the results.

[size 1][url ""]CATFISH BAIT RECIPES[/url] [/size]
hey thanks alot for the info and i will let you know what kind of luck i have. I am inUtah and having a hard time finding carp meat. any suggestions on where to find it, because i tried the oriental places.


[size 2]Something that always has worked for me is fresh caught mackeral dried and coated in garlic powder.[/size]

[size 2] So I hit the pier or bait store. Put it out in the back yard all day coating with garlic every now and then. But even before that I cut it up into small pieces then when completed put in like a mayonaise jayer.[/size]

[size 2]FF recipe which alot of people now use.[/size]
Hey there Guts, I used to live in Utah when I was younger. We used to go to Willard Bay and catch carp all day long. We were rigged for crappie but you couldn't help but to catch or snag carp as you were jigging for the smaller of the beasts. We were only using ultra light gear. 2# line and ultra light to medium light fishing poles. Most of the carp back then were running anywhere from 16 to 25lbs. Lots of fun on ultralight tackle. Check out the Utah board for more info. They have a board there for general discussion as well as directions on how to get to some of the major fishing spots there.

Good luck and we'll talk to you later. Don't forget, there are friendly people on all of the boards and you are welcome to ask any questions that you need an answer for.
hi jeff what area of utah do you live ? a couple of suggestions i can make one is 3300 S ( SLC ) get off the i-15 head west go 4 stop lights you will see a small pond just west of the jordan river lots of carp american fork or lindon boat harbors at utah lake always have carp swimming around try chumming them with bread tore right off the slice ( dont ball it up ) then a dough ball a foot under a float should do the trick good luck

Hey thanks for bailing me out there aquaman. I figured he would have better advice from local that still live in the area rather than one that has been away for just over 20yrs.
Hey Guts, I get carp meat for free all the time to use for catching catfish at Utah Lake. It's by far the most productive bait for me for large channels at Utah Lake. Worms work too, but not as good as carp meat -- at least for me. Anyway, I catch the carp with a balled up piece of bread on a large hook with no sinker. It will settle gently to the bottom. I've tossed in pieces of bread and the carp will readily slurp it off the surface as well as pick it off the bottom. I catch them easily at the ponds between the East Bay Golf Course and Novell in South Provo. You can do the same just about anywhere at Utah Lake too, or in the lower Provo River anywhere from I-15 west to the lake too. Good luck.
i stay in the West Jordan area. Thanks a lot guys for your input. I am a rookie to the fishing field, but i have a feeling that you guys will get me caught up to speed!!!
Cat Man, where do you get the carp meat for free at? or even if you could tell me somewhere here in Utah to buy it at. Thanks!!!

You catch it. Sorry I wasn't that specific. I guess it's not free because you have to buy a loaf of bread or bring a piece from home. I don't know of anywhere that you can buy carp meat, maybe at Sportsman's Warehouse but I doubt it. All you need to do is rig up a fishing pole and take a quick trip to a golf course pond, Utah Lake, or the lower Provo River and ball up the white part of the bread really tight on your hook. Don't use any weight, just the hook. Then just lightly throw it out a little ways in the water and wait. I usually catch one within 5 or 10 minutes, then haul him in and fillet him up for bait. The lower provo is FULL of carp in the warmer months. The easiest place that I have found to catch carp is a pond out at the south end of the Novell parking lot in Provo. It's just (north) across the street from the East Bay Golf Course. Just take the University Ave. exit from I-15 and head towards the mountain and you'll see it right away. Its the tallest building in the valley.
Thanks again Cat Man!!!! I guess you can tell that I am new to the whole fishing experience. I appreciate all the advice & help that you and the rest of the guys have given me!!!

No problem Guts! And welcome to the board by the way. I'm no expert by any means, but there are lots of people on here that are experts at least at one specific species or area. Hope to hear some reports on your experiences too. I'd take you out myself if I had time between work and school right now. BTW, what part of Utah do you live in?
i am in West Jordan Cat Man. Just let me know when you have some free time

Hey there Guts,

Great Idea!! Japanese and Chinese like carp and certain ways it's prepared makes it's a favorite. So... no matter how much a catfish might eat, he'll be hungry again before you know it! Stroke of genius dude!!!

Don't know about your area. Around here, most people catch carp and throw them on the shoreline to die. Apparently they don't like carp. I'm always finding carp on shore as I walk along. Man, do they stink when they're rotting!
like the man said you can get them almost for free,

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ya still have to drive out and buy the bait for them, but in 45 minutes you can catch more carp than you can use in a couple years.