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Catfish 77 and i went to lost creek today, we had a blast. Sorry if you are expecting a TYEDYETWIN report, pictures galore and every fly I used, thats not my style. So here goes
I started with type 3 full sink and kept it short. The fish I marked in the AM were between 15 and 20 feet deep and it didn't matter the total depth. the fishing started hot and then as the high clouds rolled in the bite slowed.
Midday the fish that I marked on my finder were really dropping down the water column. I did have a first today, and that was to pull a fish from 45 feet with a fly rod. I kicked over a school and they ranged from 45 to 55 feet down in 70+ feet of water, then bend-o. I was using type 6 full sink , with a slow kick line out to my backing, and boy does that stuff drop. I had several more bites and fish but nothing to write home about.
At 2:00 or so the finder stopped marking deep fish, so I switched back to the type 3 and left it short again. These later fish were playing the strawberry game, just follow and nibble. It got a bit frustrating but was very fun.
At the end of a good day we both caught a bunch of fish my largest was a 17" cut and catfish hooked a really nice tiger trout. (sorry no measurement) White was the key for me today.
Catfish also slayed them on both tube jigs and flies ( I tied [Wink]) but I will let him tell you.
Special thanks to Fly Goddess and big cat your replies on the berry thread helped me with finding the right depths.
The high temp for the water was 45* and I wish the air would have matched.
Feel free to PM any ?'s
Yeah your right my reports are better than that! Don't make me bust out my fish finder, then you will really get the details from me.
Did your fishfinder give you a paper read out or something? I felt like I was right there with ya!

I added a bit more about what I used on my recent Birch Creek report just for you.
It was really cool the way it fished. It stayed the same for hours then suddenly shifted that is way it was so easy to remember. And I don't have any pics because of a mix of pure laziness and I usually fish better when I don't have it. Murphy's Law, my net usually stays home too. Don't take offence at a bit of harmless teasing.

I know its a long shot but did you get a temp on Birch Creek? I am wondering how long before the hard deck covers that thing.
Seems like some of the best fishing days is when I either forget the camera or the SD card! I didn't get a BC water temp reading, in fact I doubt I will ever take my toon there as it is SO WINDY! The lake like feature below the dam was already mostly frozen so it cannot be to far off. I did wet a bubble in the water and DAMN it was COLD!!

I used to leave the net at home until the day I lost a big one at Grantsville. Now the net and I are 2 peas in a pod!

So when the hard deck hits BC how close can you drive to the dam? Do they plow the dirt road?

Everyone has the right to report as much or as little as they want. I respect your choices and obviously you respect mine. No offense taken here buddy. Lost Creek deserves some ice fishing attention from my twin and I this year. Coming soon I hope!
Now if you two can land a fish with a SINGLE hook[Wink][Wink][Wink]
[quote flygoddess]Now if you two can land a fish with a SINGLE hook[/quote]

Come on now the smallmouth bass we caught over the summer came from a single hook as well as a few perch at Pineview. Baitless by the way.

The crappies came off of jig heads and marabous. Too many catfish came off of single hooks as well as Bluegills with a few LMB's and trout. Although all of those had bait on the single hooks.[laugh]

Oh and I did get the chance to get 3 rainbow trout this spring on my fly rod at the sandy pond with an emerger called an ice cream cone.
The ICE CREAM CONE is a Chironomid or a midge, not an emerger. But there is an emerger called "Ice Cream" Basically a soft hackle.

Now if you could use those single hooks, smash the barb and go catch those C&R trout.....then you will be a true Fly Fisher...LOL
I was thinking the same thing give me a pm when you are going to head up and I will try and meet you.