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Full Version: Muskie Masters?
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I've been reading the site for a few weeks now and I've noticed that there are a bunch of Muskie Lovers here. I'm almost a 100% river fly fishing guy, so I don't really know jack squat about the big fella's, but would like to learn. I am wondering if there is anyone here that would be willing to take a guy like me out, show me the ways of the Tiger, and let me fill your tank and buy your lunch? I would really love to get one on the fly, but I believe it's hard enough to get one on a spinning rod; baby steps, man.

Any takers? I'm a 30 year old male, father of three girls. I'm about as intimidating as a color portrait of Strawberry Shortcake -- but I do eat, drink, sleep, and piss fishing. Thanks in advance.


(The "Fishing Invites" thread hasn't had a post since July, so I figured I'd post this here -- sorry if this is terribly bad form.)
If you went with me, we'd literally be in the same boat instead of only figuratively. The muskie fishing is good from the bank, you may have to wade in a bit but some folks catch as many or more from shore.

I may be wrong, but it may be too late in the year for the muskie with the cold temps.

Hit me up in the spring if you want to cast at muskies from my boat for hours & hours. I cant promise any fish, but it'll be muskie fishing as I know it to be.
Ive got a buddy that I take out in my boat with me and often catches as many as I do, he also moves more fish it seems like as well! He can present baits different than a hardware chucker and sometimes thats the ticket! Hit me up in April and we will talk ...
Agree with the 2 previous posts...late in the season now. The bite slows way down now cuz of water temp. Fish aren't nealy as aggressive as their metabolism slows way down. Including bait fish are out deep that they prey on.

Try posting back up when water temp hits mid 60s for better luck at a taker including when bait fish are in shallow. [Smile][Smile]
going to fly fish for them? we did well this summer at PV for them on the fly. i would reccomend at the minimum a 7 weight but thats bare bones. read up on UTCatman's and K2's older posts they know whats up out there