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I was told today that the road will get plowed soon, the driver of the plow has been on vacation but should be back today or tomorrow..
I was up there today and the road has not been plowed yet to the main marina or Renegade. There is some pavement showing, but a lot of it is packed down ice. The temp was 9 degrees when I got there this morning and 40 when I left at about 1:00. Fishing was fair. Caught around 40 between the 2 of us. The boat ramp has no snow or ice on it. The docks have been removed and the restrooms are locked. No fees are charged.
Thanks Bassrods,

i would like to get one more trip in before hardwater shows up but I am worried about this weekends storms, How was Jordonelle today, i should have skipped another day of work and hit the berry again but my arm needed some recuperation after yesterday.
The Nell was good..

They keep the road open to the lodge, so we should get a trip in this next week..
It's not plowed yet. Snow is better than a couple days ago but still pretty slick in spots. A front wheel drive car lost some bumper hardware in a deep spot, but made it to Renegade regardless. There were a couple spots I doubt a 1/2 or 3/4 ton would climb without 4X, but you could probably do it going sideways.

Renegade was slow until 10:00 a.m., but picked up a bit then.

And tonight it will get UGLY!!! Keep these reports coming though.