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Post your contest fish here.
19 inch brook and 20 inch hybrid
Nov. 26, 2011
Henry's Lake
white paddlebug with worm
The friend that came with me caught a 24" hybrid. Will try next weekend for something bigger.
I'm getting 20 on the hybrid and 18.5 on the brook. I'll update the scores this morning.
18" rainbow
Sand Creek Pond Nov 29 2011
Gizzy bug and worm
18.5 on the rainbow.
Mackey Res 1-2-12
Rat finky with wax worm

13 or so inch Kokenee
and 9.5 inch whitefish. I had to hurry to get him back in the water.
13 on the Koke. 9 on the whitefish.
Thanks. You are quick.
18" Brown
PalaSades Res 1-14-12
Worm on a home made jig.
18 inches on the brown. Nice work.
On the score sheet you put 20" for the brown but it was 18"
I should have 97 inches. 79 before the 18" brown.
You are doing a great job.
Thanks for catching the 18 vs 20 mistake. You made me take a hard look at the score sheet and how it calculates the scores and I couldn't find my mistake. Kept looking, and looking, and looking. Then, finally, I remembered the rules. You have 6 game fish, but you only get credit for 5. If you take a look at the rules, it specifies that only 5 can be game fish. To get the 7, you must have either at least 1 trash fish and 1 panfish, or 2 kinds of panfish. It was a hard thing to explain in the rules, but that is the intent. Here is a portion of rule 5 quoted:

Quote: Up to 5-6 different game fish and non-game fish (any legally harvestable game fish or non-game fish listed on page 55 of the 2011-2012 Fishing Seasons and Rules book published by fish and game, other than the panfish listed above). A maximum of 1 non-game fish may be entered. No more than 6 fish from this group as defined.

In other words, you can have 1-3 panfish of different species as listed above and 5-6 game/non-game fish (no more than 1 of which may be a non-game fish) up to a total of 7 fish to be used in your final score. The largest 7 fish will be used to calculate your final score with not more than 1 being a non-game fish, and not more than 3 being a panfish, and not more than 5 being game fish. (I know it seems complicated, but it's really not if you think about it.)

Now that I've updated the score sheet I have your score at 88 because you only get the 5 largest since all 6 of your are game fish. I hope this is not a huge let down for you.
The way I was reading it was a max of 6 game fish plus 1 panfish.
Or 5 game fish + 1 non-gamefish + 1 panfish

Anyway here is one to replace the whitefish. Only a pearch to go.

Sucker 17" on a homemade jig with wax worm
Ririe 1-16-12
17 on the sucker. That makes 4 now over 100 inches. Unless someone comes up with a laker or a pike or something big, this is going to be a very tight contest.
I am hoping for a 25" laker and a 10" perch
I've got a couple trips planned trying for a Laker, also. I've never caught one before so I'm just going on luck at this point. If I get desperate, I can try for a SMB, Koke, or Coho at Cascade, but I've got my heart set on a Laker.
10.5 "? perch
1-28-12 Lindy jig w/ a little wax worm
10.5 on the perch.