11-20-2011, 10:00 AM
After talking to Marvin twice today about the windy conditions we decided to go out of TL for an afternoon quicky trip. Launched at 3:30pm and checked the gragh at three roadbeds nearby to find the wind had blown any fish on towards the channel, went for a short run to look over a ditch at the mouth of a slough which was leeward from the wind...marked a good school of fish in a crooked bend at 10fow but had a hard time positioning the boat to make a fishable presentation to them... went out to deeper water to anchor and make long casts to reach the sweet spot. Worked great...caught a 14.25 Tarp on my first cast, Marvin nails another Tarp about 4 keepers later, hammered the crappie here for a good 20 minutes till darkness set in and they shut off.Marvin had 2 15in LM and a 4lb drum on his end of the ditch and lost a couple of big slabs right at the boat cause he was horseing em against the wind. Loaded the boat and counted keepers...had 23 total and released all but 12 in the 12-13inch slot range...had no short fish today on that location. Marvin stuck with a BG pearl and I alternated between outlaw special and ghastly minnow in the SS'r with wiggle eyes...my face is windburnt and my feet cold but it was a good 2 hours of fishing.