Fishing Forum

Full Version: TR20bh, Chick, Bass, 11-20-11, Mocs-TR20
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Brent & I got out about 11:30 & checked some new areas. 1st slough had grass & a bunch of shad. Just started froggin' & behind us fish started busting bait. Threw a spook into them & immediately hooked up but it shook off emoBang . Checked hooks, another group of fish came up. Threw the spook in & a 4# jumped clean over the spook & missed it emoBang . Backed off & threw flukes & SB's in front of the grass, but nothing else bit. Went to another slough with no grass, but full of shad. A huge fish came up & threw shad everywhere in a boil as big as a bathtub! about 30 sec. after that, Brent hooks into a fish on a Red Eye Shad thats huge. Had it on for 10 sec. or so & the fish stayed down, shaking its head, & just comes unpegged emoBang .<br />Headed to a slough with a 2ndary point with grass & 1st cast with the Red Eye, Brent gets a 3.5#. Working that point, had 2 more 3+ fish, two 5# fish, a 2.5, a 17" SM, & a dink. Headed to another point in another slough, & duplicated the pattern. Had 3 good 2.5-3.5# keepers & a dink. Pulled out at 5:00. Fun way to spend a Sun. afternoon