Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass and crappie, 11/23/11, alone
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No one wanted to talk to me today about alarms. Just wasting gas and time driving around. Sad Gave up around noon and decided to go hit the lake. I started off fishing for bass. Caught one right off at 2 lbs and 14 ozes. Then about an hour later caught another that was 2 lbs and 4 ozes. Both of those were on cranks in about eight foot with grass. Moved a couple times and caught another nice one right at 3.0 lbs on my scale. It hit a blade slow rolled. Only managed two more bass both on jigs and only one of those would keep. Changed over to crappie and hit two of my holes. Caught about 10 crappie with a couple monsters about 14 inches each. emoThumbsup I brought seven home for dinner and another mess for later. emoHungry Also caught a cat about six lbs and a bream while crappie fishing. The cat was fun on four lb test. emoEek It pulled drag several times and I chased it around with the trolling motor.<br /><br />Lots of wind, waves and a little rain. It beat sitting at home watching the tube. emoBigSmile Jmax