i was on the ice at the berry small fish all bows and the only ice was on the north side of the main road on the soldier creek side you know where its backed up off the main lake got 25 or so fish most small but nice to be on the ice
Thanks for the report, how thick was the ice?
Glad to hear the ice is finally shaping up!
not much there really but what we was on as 4 to 6 inches thick
Sorry I am a little lost where at? right off the highway or around the corner where the restrooms are?? thanks for the info and the report!
it just right off the main road where the water is back up on the other side edges was good its only 6 to 8 feet deep and the biggest bow we got was 16 inches most was 12 to 14 we did catch 25 or so there and we made several holes the ice was 4 to 6 inches every where i made a hole but keep in mind the area im talking about is only about 150 sq yards of water to start with but its ice and we got fish there was one other person there catching fish there i seen him catch 5 or so
im thinking you was fishing north of hwy 40 in a pond -over flow of lake- and not in the main lake ? i may just be off of what ur are saying ? but i drove by the berry on my way home from a water fowl hunt sat ,and i could see no way that there is 4 inches of ice any way any were on the main lake or bays.
yes the over flow is right and it plenty thick and nothing on the main lake is frozen but it is ice i did fish it and we all got bows
Well technically, that's still part of Strawberry Reservoir, as there is a free-flowing pipe between that pool and the main body. Its level rises and falls with the reservoir.
I was curious about the legality of fishing that spot under general regulations recently and called the DWR inquiring about that.
The enforcement agent I spoke with told me that he would consider it part of the lake and fishing it as you would the Berry would be legal.
The report was slightly mis-leading but I am glad you decided to report about it. Thanks for the clairification on where it was. Still I want to stress the gratitude I have for you to report aobut it. Please keep them coming.
here few of these pic my clear up where im talking about went back to the berry and we got 20 or so threw the ice but did better on the open water i know every one likes pic
figured it out
I just unchecked the spot where you had the inline box checked. Did you measure that big one, it looks like a nice one.
yea the big one was 24.5 nice fish we ended up getting about 80 fish in between the two of us in 5 hours or so and about 6 was over 22 we only keep the bow the cuts after they start getting to that 23 plus inch range they don't taste as good i have been told that this is because their diet changes dont know if its true or not