11-29-2011, 01:36 AM
This was on Alan Cole's forum
Guys, this is our last chance to speak out about Trout stocking at Lake Mead and Mohave. If you want them to make a decision without being heard, then just ignore this message. Here is the info on the meeting being held TOMORROW
Which will determine wether or not they continue stalking trout in our waters. If you read through this you will find where i was able to get them to address this issue at this meeting tomorrow.
Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife
Paul Dixon, Chairman
Tracy Truman, Vice Chairman
Ryan Anderson
Brian Patterson
Jacky Holt
Michael J. Reese
John Sullivan
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday November 29, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Meeting Location: Southern Nevada Department of Wildlife Office
4747 Vegas Dr., Las Vegas, NV
1. Call to Order – Roll call of Board Members for determination of quorum
If no quorum is present, meeting cannot begin and is canceled.
2. Approval of Minutes of September 20, 2011 CCABMW Meeting (For possible action)
3. Approval of Agenda for November 29, 2011 (For possible action)
Unless otherwise stated, items may be taken out of the order presented on the agenda, and two or more items may be combined for consideration. The Board may also remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time.
4. CAB Member Items/Announcements/Correspondence CAB members may present emergent items. No action may be taken by the CAB. Any item requiring CAB action will be scheduled on a future CAB agenda. CAB members may discuss any correspondence sent or received. (CAB members must provide hard copies of their correspondence for the written record).
A. Governor’s new panel targets dropping 35 state boards and commissions and Wildlife Commission is in their sights!
B. Green Energy meeting November 30, 2011 Green Valley Ranch
5. Public Comment: Members of the public who wish to address the Board may speak on matters within the jurisdiction of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife.
No action may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to three minutes per topical area. Public comments on posted agenda items will also be allowed at the time the agenda item is considered by the Board. Any item requiring Board action not on this agenda will be scheduled on a future agenda.
6. Informational Items Requested Through Correspondence to Clark CABMW: Matters within the jurisdiction of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife will be discussed, and public input will be solicited. No action may be taken on the posted agenda item. Any item requiring Clark CABMW action will be scheduled on a future agenda.
A. Don Turner will speak on a new group he is heading in Nevada that will be addressing:
1) Actions his group is taking to change current Nevada gun laws for hand guns.
2) Gun law changes needed as they pertain to transporting firearms for the purpose of hunting and recreational shooting.
B. Elmer Bull will brief the Clark CABMW and public on the following two items:
1) Small game guzzler program in Southern Nevada and potential issues between DDOW guzzler crews and the fraternity of Desert Bighorn sheep guzzler support teams.
2) Presentation of the new draft Dove Hunting Lottery Regulation for Southern Nevada.
C. Mark Warren and Chairman Paul Dixon: Lake Mead topics and concerns:
1) Rising cost over last 20 years of a fishing licenses (up 40%), and now we actually pay money to enter the park that was once free to residents and guests.
2) Why has NDOW decided to eliminate the stocking of trout in most every location?
a. How is NDOW able to get around the act that was written when the dam was built of mandatory trout stocking?
b. Why are we raising and stocking Razorback Suckers at the expense of rainbow trout in Lake Mead? Why are we spending precious funds on a fish that has no ecological impact versus one that actually does bring the state more money?
c. Launch ramps up kept while water quality is deteriorating. Why?
A. Discuss & make recommendations regarding the following Action Items from the Board of Wildlife Commissioners Agenda December 2nd and 3rd, 2011 and items brought forth to the Clark CCABMW from the public for discussion. CCABMW agenda & support materials are available upon request to Stacy Matthews (702) 455-2705 or smatthews@co.clark.nv.us. The final Commission agenda & support materials should be available on November 28, 2011 at www.ndow.org/learn/com/mtg/support/agenda.pdf.
1. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 390 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R102-10 - Inland Navigation Rules (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) –
A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify amendments to recommend changes relating to watercraft; applies any federal law or regulation applicable to navigable waters within this State to all other waters within this State.
2. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 398 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R025-11 - Interstate Boundary Water License (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a regulation relating to wildlife and the implementation of a new nonresident annual fishing license pursuant to Assembly Bill 19 for use solely in the reciprocal waters of the Colorado River, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave, Lake Tahoe and Topaz Lake. This regulation adds clarification language needed to implement this new license.
3. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 400 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R054-11 Commercial Crayfish/Filleting of Fish/Restrictions Import/Transport (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify regulation relating to wildlife; authorizing the commercial taking of Crayfish without the imposition of demerit points under certain circumstances; authorizing the importation, transportation or possession of a certain species of shad; prohibiting the importation, transportation or possession of a certain species of eel; authorizing a person to obtain a permit to take Crayfish commercially from the waters of Lake Tahoe under certain circumstances; and authorizing the filleting of fish before transport under certain circumstances.
4. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 401 LCB FILE NO. R056-11 - Classification Reptiles/Furbearing/Game Bird (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a regulation declassifying the Red Fox as a furbearing mammal; classifying the Eurasian Collared Dove as an upland game bird; classifying the Rosy Boa as a protected reptile; providing for the possession, transportation, and importation and exportation of certain wolves without a permit or license issued by the Department of Wildlife.
5. Trapping Regulation (Committee Report) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify recommendations taken during two (2) Trapping Regulation Committee meetings held on November 7, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada and November 9, 2011, in Reno, Nevada, to obtain public comment on a draft regulation governing the trapping of furbearing mammals in residential areas of a county whose population is 100,000 or more per the 2011 Legislative Session requiring the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to adopt regulations by December 31, 2012. Based on the report of the Trapping Regulation Committee, the Commission shall consider revisions and additions to a draft regulation.
6. HERITAGE Regulations and Policies (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify possible changes to the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) presentation on the status of Heritage Program regulations and policies.
7. Change Classification of Gray Wolf (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a proposal to pursue the change of classification of the Gray Wolf (Canis Lupis) from a game mammal to unprotected mammal.
8. First reading of COMMISSION POLICY No. 27, Protection of Nevada Wildlife Resources (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify the first reading for proposed changes to Commission Policy 27. The Commission may choose to retain Policy 27, modify all or part of Policy 27, or to eliminate Policy 27 in its entirety.
9. Southern Nevada Water Authority Groundwater Resolution- (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a position relative to the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) applications to extract and export groundwater from various valleys in White Pine and Lincoln counties, and may approve sending a letter to the Nevada State Engineer which must be delivered stating the Commission’s position no later than December 2, 2011.
10. Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a letter Commissioner Drew sent on behalf of the Commission supporting the Nevada Department of Wildlife's comments on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge CCP as presented to the Commission which included additional comments on wild horse management and management of predators on the refuge.
11. Solar Development Roadmap for Public Lands (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify: 1) a Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) report identifying the areas proposed for solar development in the State of Nevada and the wildlife issues associated with those proposed areas; and 2) a response letter in support of NDOW’s comments and or assist in the process.
12. Predator Management Plan and Report FY 11- FY 12 – (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify the final Predator Management Plan.
B. Authorize the Chairman to prepare and submit any recommendations from today’s meeting to the Commission for its consideration at its December 2nd and 3rd 2011 meeting in Reno. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
C. Set Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife (CCABMW) meetings for 2012. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
D. Schedule the next Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife meeting in Las Vegas, to support the scheduled Wildlife Commission meeting on February 3rd and 4th in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center in conjunction with the Sportsman’s Expo. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
E. Adjournment
This agenda was posted on or before the third working day before the meeting in accordance with NRS 241.020 at the following locations: Nevada Department of Wildlife, 4747 West Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89158; Clark County Government Center, 500 Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89108; City of Henderson, City Hall, 240 Water Street, Henderson, Nevada, 89015; Boulder City, City Hall, 401 California Avenue, Boulder City, Nevada, 89005; Laughlin Town Manager’s Office; 101 Civic Way, Laughlin, Nevada, 89028; Moapa Valley Community Center, 320 North Moapa Valley Road, Overton, Nevada, 89040; and Mesquite City Hall, 10 East Mesquite Boulevard, Mesquite, Nevada, 89027.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend the meeting. Please call Stacy Matthews at least 48 hours prior to the meeting (702) 455-2705 so that arrangements may be conv
Mike Pergola
This Also goes for the Large and small mouth guy's. Guess what the stripers will eat instead of trout? We Need All people who fish to support the trout stockings.