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This was on Alan Cole's forum

Guys, this is our last chance to speak out about Trout stocking at Lake Mead and Mohave. If you want them to make a decision without being heard, then just ignore this message. Here is the info on the meeting being held TOMORROW
Which will determine wether or not they continue stalking trout in our waters. If you read through this you will find where i was able to get them to address this issue at this meeting tomorrow.

Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife

Paul Dixon, Chairman
Tracy Truman, Vice Chairman
Ryan Anderson
Brian Patterson
Jacky Holt
Michael J. Reese
John Sullivan

Meeting Agenda
Tuesday November 29, 2011

Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Meeting Location: Southern Nevada Department of Wildlife Office
4747 Vegas Dr., Las Vegas, NV
1. Call to Order – Roll call of Board Members for determination of quorum
If no quorum is present, meeting cannot begin and is canceled.
2. Approval of Minutes of September 20, 2011 CCABMW Meeting (For possible action)
3. Approval of Agenda for November 29, 2011 (For possible action)

Unless otherwise stated, items may be taken out of the order presented on the agenda, and two or more items may be combined for consideration. The Board may also remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time.
4. CAB Member Items/Announcements/Correspondence CAB members may present emergent items. No action may be taken by the CAB. Any item requiring CAB action will be scheduled on a future CAB agenda. CAB members may discuss any correspondence sent or received. (CAB members must provide hard copies of their correspondence for the written record).
A. Governor’s new panel targets dropping 35 state boards and commissions and Wildlife Commission is in their sights!
B. Green Energy meeting November 30, 2011 Green Valley Ranch
5. Public Comment: Members of the public who wish to address the Board may speak on matters within the jurisdiction of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife.
No action may be taken on a matter not listed on the posted agenda. Comments will be limited to three minutes per topical area. Public comments on posted agenda items will also be allowed at the time the agenda item is considered by the Board. Any item requiring Board action not on this agenda will be scheduled on a future agenda.
6. Informational Items Requested Through Correspondence to Clark CABMW: Matters within the jurisdiction of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife will be discussed, and public input will be solicited. No action may be taken on the posted agenda item. Any item requiring Clark CABMW action will be scheduled on a future agenda.
A. Don Turner will speak on a new group he is heading in Nevada that will be addressing:
1) Actions his group is taking to change current Nevada gun laws for hand guns.
2) Gun law changes needed as they pertain to transporting firearms for the purpose of hunting and recreational shooting.
B. Elmer Bull will brief the Clark CABMW and public on the following two items:
1) Small game guzzler program in Southern Nevada and potential issues between DDOW guzzler crews and the fraternity of Desert Bighorn sheep guzzler support teams.
2) Presentation of the new draft Dove Hunting Lottery Regulation for Southern Nevada.
C. Mark Warren and Chairman Paul Dixon: Lake Mead topics and concerns:
1) Rising cost over last 20 years of a fishing licenses (up 40%), and now we actually pay money to enter the park that was once free to residents and guests.
2) Why has NDOW decided to eliminate the stocking of trout in most every location?
a. How is NDOW able to get around the act that was written when the dam was built of mandatory trout stocking?
b. Why are we raising and stocking Razorback Suckers at the expense of rainbow trout in Lake Mead? Why are we spending precious funds on a fish that has no ecological impact versus one that actually does bring the state more money?
c. Launch ramps up kept while water quality is deteriorating. Why?
A. Discuss & make recommendations regarding the following Action Items from the Board of Wildlife Commissioners Agenda December 2nd and 3rd, 2011 and items brought forth to the Clark CCABMW from the public for discussion. CCABMW agenda & support materials are available upon request to Stacy Matthews (702) 455-2705 or The final Commission agenda & support materials should be available on November 28, 2011 at

1. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 390 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R102-10 - Inland Navigation Rules (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) –
A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify amendments to recommend changes relating to watercraft; applies any federal law or regulation applicable to navigable waters within this State to all other waters within this State.
2. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 398 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R025-11 - Interstate Boundary Water License (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a regulation relating to wildlife and the implementation of a new nonresident annual fishing license pursuant to Assembly Bill 19 for use solely in the reciprocal waters of the Colorado River, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave, Lake Tahoe and Topaz Lake. This regulation adds clarification language needed to implement this new license.
3. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 400 LCB (Legislative Counsel Bureau) FILE NO. R054-11 Commercial Crayfish/Filleting of Fish/Restrictions Import/Transport (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify regulation relating to wildlife; authorizing the commercial taking of Crayfish without the imposition of demerit points under certain circumstances; authorizing the importation, transportation or possession of a certain species of shad; prohibiting the importation, transportation or possession of a certain species of eel; authorizing a person to obtain a permit to take Crayfish commercially from the waters of Lake Tahoe under certain circumstances; and authorizing the filleting of fish before transport under certain circumstances.
4. COMMISSION GENERAL REGULATION NUMBER 401 LCB FILE NO. R056-11 - Classification Reptiles/Furbearing/Game Bird (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a regulation declassifying the Red Fox as a furbearing mammal; classifying the Eurasian Collared Dove as an upland game bird; classifying the Rosy Boa as a protected reptile; providing for the possession, transportation, and importation and exportation of certain wolves without a permit or license issued by the Department of Wildlife.
5. Trapping Regulation (Committee Report) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify recommendations taken during two (2) Trapping Regulation Committee meetings held on November 7, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada and November 9, 2011, in Reno, Nevada, to obtain public comment on a draft regulation governing the trapping of furbearing mammals in residential areas of a county whose population is 100,000 or more per the 2011 Legislative Session requiring the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to adopt regulations by December 31, 2012. Based on the report of the Trapping Regulation Committee, the Commission shall consider revisions and additions to a draft regulation.
6. HERITAGE Regulations and Policies (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify possible changes to the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) presentation on the status of Heritage Program regulations and policies.
7. Change Classification of Gray Wolf (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a proposal to pursue the change of classification of the Gray Wolf (Canis Lupis) from a game mammal to unprotected mammal.
8. First reading of COMMISSION POLICY No. 27, Protection of Nevada Wildlife Resources (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify the first reading for proposed changes to Commission Policy 27. The Commission may choose to retain Policy 27, modify all or part of Policy 27, or to eliminate Policy 27 in its entirety.
9. Southern Nevada Water Authority Groundwater Resolution- (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a position relative to the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) applications to extract and export groundwater from various valleys in White Pine and Lincoln counties, and may approve sending a letter to the Nevada State Engineer which must be delivered stating the Commission’s position no later than December 2, 2011.
10. Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify a letter Commissioner Drew sent on behalf of the Commission supporting the Nevada Department of Wildlife's comments on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge CCP as presented to the Commission which included additional comments on wild horse management and management of predators on the refuge.
11. Solar Development Roadmap for Public Lands (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify: 1) a Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) report identifying the areas proposed for solar development in the State of Nevada and the wildlife issues associated with those proposed areas; and 2) a response letter in support of NDOW’s comments and or assist in the process.
12. Predator Management Plan and Report FY 11- FY 12 – (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -- A review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners to approve, deny or otherwise modify the final Predator Management Plan.
B. Authorize the Chairman to prepare and submit any recommendations from today’s meeting to the Commission for its consideration at its December 2nd and 3rd 2011 meeting in Reno. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
C. Set Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife (CCABMW) meetings for 2012. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
D. Schedule the next Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife meeting in Las Vegas, to support the scheduled Wildlife Commission meeting on February 3rd and 4th in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center in conjunction with the Sportsman’s Expo. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)
E. Adjournment

This agenda was posted on or before the third working day before the meeting in accordance with NRS 241.020 at the following locations: Nevada Department of Wildlife, 4747 West Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89158; Clark County Government Center, 500 Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89108; City of Henderson, City Hall, 240 Water Street, Henderson, Nevada, 89015; Boulder City, City Hall, 401 California Avenue, Boulder City, Nevada, 89005; Laughlin Town Manager’s Office; 101 Civic Way, Laughlin, Nevada, 89028; Moapa Valley Community Center, 320 North Moapa Valley Road, Overton, Nevada, 89040; and Mesquite City Hall, 10 East Mesquite Boulevard, Mesquite, Nevada, 89027.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend the meeting. Please call Stacy Matthews at least 48 hours prior to the meeting (702) 455-2705 so that arrangements may be conv
Mike Pergola
This Also goes for the Large and small mouth guy's. Guess what the stripers will eat instead of trout? We Need All people who fish to support the trout stockings.

Here's more info posted today on AC Plugs

I have been in conversations with them and it seems they are trying to stick with what they have said, no funding. They have a meeting coming up at the end of this month and the topic will be brought up. I would suggest anyone on here that would like to see them continue stocking, you better start calling them and bugging them soon. Otherwise say goodbye to the trout planting in Lake Mead and Mohave. It seems that they could still pull it off if they wanted to, but since they are not getting in complaints back about it they will continue as planned. Speak up people or your trophy Striper fishery will be going to sNAP~. Here is there comments if they will fit.Paul…great response. My calendar says our next meeting is Nov 29th… have indicated Nov 9th. Just trying to confirm the date.


Brian Patterson, RLA
Director of Operations
The WLB Group, Inc.
Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Urban Design • Landscape Architecture
Tucson • Phoenix • Flagstaff • Las Vegas • [url ""][/url]
2551 N. Green Valley Parkway Suite A-425 • Henderson , NV 89014
702.458.2551 • 702.434.0491 (fax)
[url ""][/url]
From: mary lou dixon [[url "]"]][/url]
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 9:03 AM
To: Mike Pergola
Cc: [url ""][/url]; Mark Warren; Paul Harris ; tracy truman ; Mike Reese ; Brian Patterson ; [url ""][/url] ; Jack y Holt
Subject: Re: Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Dear Mr. Pergola,
Sorry for the delay in responding, I had some research to do to address your concerns/issies. To start I would like to thank you for your letter and the issues you have raised. As the Chairman of the Clark County Wildlife Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife, I take your concerns/issues very seriously. The Clark County Wildlife Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife meets nine times a year and our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday November 9th, 2011. If after seeing my responses to your issues/concerns, if you would like me to place this topic and your concerns on the November agenda and make recommendations to the Nevada Wildlife Commission I will be happy to do so for you. A complete listing of upcoming state and Clark County wildlife meetings can be found on the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) website ([url ""][/url] under commissions and boards). In addition, I have cc'ed Michael McBeath who is the Chairman of the Nevada Wildlife Commission, and a life long resident of Clark County , my Clark CABMW members, as well as Mark Warren, NDOW Chief of Fisheries.

Here are my perspectives on each of your issues/concerns below:
1) I have taken my son fishing since he was in diapers and you cannot buy better quality time with your family than being outdoors.
I could not agree with you more. The whole purpose of maintaining these great outdoor jewels in Nevada is to be able to use them and share that wonderful outdoors experience with our families and friends.

2) In the last 20 years the cost of a fishing License has risen 40%, and now we actually pay money to enter the park that was once free to residents and guest. It does not make a lot of sense that all the fees have gone up and for some reason the funds have gone down.
Both of these The issue of license fees continues area of debate when we yearly review the fishing season, regulations and fees structure at the September Wildlife Commission meeting that was just held. The largest reason for increased fees is that support of the Nevada Department of Wildlife comes almost entirely (~98%) from license fees and federal grants. The amount of money the state of Nevada gives NDOW yearly from the general fund has been declining. In this past legislative session that amount hit a new low (~$495K). Please note that NDOW’s annual operating budget is ~ $36M (see the power point presentation at the following web link: [url ""][/url]). Boating Safety and Wildlife Officers NDOW at Lake Mead are all supported by Nevada sportsman license fees. Very little Federal and State tax dollars go to support these officers anymore. The Lake Mead National Recreation Area site infrastructure (i.e. boat ramps, buildings and site upkeep) is the responsibility of the National Park Service and NDOW and the state have no direct involvement. I will need to get a copy of the federal resource management plan for Lake Mead and review to see how we as a CABMW can influence change on the issues you raise.

3) Also in this time period Nevada Fish and Wildlife has decided to eliminate the stocking of trout in most every location which supposedly was done due to lack of money. I would like to know who and how you were able to get around the act that was written when the dam was built of mandatory trout stocking due to the inability for them to reproduce because of the water way being blocked. There is a lot of spending that that has gone on that has no economic impact on our valley, like the raising and planting of the Razorback Suckers for example. For some reason this fish has taken priority over the Rainbow trout that was also native to those waters. The amount of money spent on a fish that has no ecological impact versus one that actually does bring the state more money is ridiculous.
I am unfamiliar with the federal law requiring mandatory trout stocking in Lake Mead . I will have to investigate if a law still exists, as I have not heard of one. I will do further research with NDOW and get back to you at a later date. There are two main reasons why trout stocking has stopped at Lake Mead and lack of funding plays an important but tertiary role. The first reason is the hatchery water temperature was becoming to warm to rear trout. As the water level at Lake Mead dropped, the water temperature for the hatchery intakes (now closer to the surface) rose to a level where it is to warm to rear trout successfully. NDOW is actively trying to work a deal with the Southern Nevada water authority to get access to deeper (i.e. cooler) waters for use in the hatchery. Even if the hatchery could get cooler water from deeper in the lake, the second reason trout are not being reared is the infestation of quagga mussels. The quagga mussels have clogged the water intakes and filters as well as put toxins into the hatchery waters which make it unsuitable to rear trout! (article below) Thus trout need to be brought to Lake Mead from hatcheries in Northern Nevada for release. The cost is very high to transport the trout to Lake Mead, and there are limited funds to do these releases, so we are seeing less stocking at Lake Mead . As a side note, nearly 90% of released trout are consumed by stripped bass, not anglers!

As for the stocking of Razorback Suckers, this program was almost entirely funded by the Federal endangered species reintroduction funds. Rainbow trout are not endangered just native, so there is no additional federal support for their stocking or transplantation thru this program.

4) Launch ramps were not kept up with as well as water quality has dropped tremendously. If there is a hope of keeping this wonderful fishery running at full speed so that my sons children can enjoy it as we did, what is it?
As I mentioned in question #2, the ramps and water quality at Lake Mead are the responsibility of the National Park service. They have been fighting what seems to be a losing battle the past ten years due to a drought in the southwest and over withdrawal of water from Lake Mead by both Las Vegas and California had left the water levels at all time lows at the start of 2011. Greater than expected snow pack in the western Rockies last winter (2010/2011) combined with a large snow melt this past spring raised the lake level ~30feet at Lake Mead . This is the first significant rise in lake level in nearly 10 years! The boat ramps are a victim of a rapid drop in the lake level. The National Park Service barely has little funding available in this tight economy to continue to build new ramps as the lake level dropped 10’s of meters each summer. Luckily this trend of continued water level drop appears to has stabilized or reversed due to heavy and predicted heavy snow packs in the western Rockies for the next several years.

5) What can locals do to be heard with serious issues like these? I am not alone. There are thousands of me out there that are all pretty upset over the changes that have occurred to such a beautiful park. Any help you can give to us to be heard would be greatly appreciated.
As I stated in my opening thoughts to you Mr. Pergola, the best way to initiate change is for you and your friends to request I place your issues/concerns on an upcoming Clark County Advisory Board agenda. This way we can have public debate on the Lake Mead Resource Management Plan and develop a set of recommendations to send to National Park Service to influence the renewal of this plan. We can also send unsolicited comments at anytime and hopefully the Wildlife Commission and NDOW will support to add strength and creditability to our/your concerns. You can always do your own recommendations individually to these organizations, but having the voice and support of the Clark County residents is much stronger in sending your message.

Dr. Paul R. Dixon
Chairman Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife

State to stop stocking trout in Lake Mead
By Cy Ryan (contact) Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011 | 12:32 p.m.
• Quagga mussels a toxic threat to Lake Mead (11-9-09)
• The man dedicated to saving the lake from little invaders (11-9-09)
• Wary of invasive species, hatchery suspends operations (1-20-2009)
• Mussels’ last meal (6-20-2008)
• Get rid of pest? Not if it turns tap water pink (7-21-2007)
• Mussels now contained but need monitoring (1-18-2007)
• Lake Mead mussels identified as quagga, not zebra (1-13-2007)
CARSON CITY – After this season, the state is going to stop stocking trout in Lake Mead -- and officials expect to hear from some Angry fishermen.“We’re between a rock and a hard spot,” said Mark Warren, chief of fisheries at the state Department of Wildlife. In 2007, the department closed its Lake Mead hatchery, where the state raises the trout for stocking in Lake Mead and Lake Mohave , when it was discovered it was infected with quagga mussels. The quagga mussels discharge poison pellets and infect the water with toxins. Since then the state has been using part of the federal fishery at Willow Beach to raise trout, but the federal government is taking back the section that has been used by the wildlife department. Department officials briefed a joint Assembly-Senate subcommittee Tuesday on its budget, which includes $500,000 for a feasibility study to get the Lake Mead hatchery operational again. Assembly Minority Leader Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka, questioned how much it would cost to bring the fishery back on line. Deputy Department Director Rich Haskins said it would run anywhere from $3 million to $5 million. Goicoechea quipped that it would be better to let the quagga mussels have it and build a new fishery. Haskins said the state offered it to the federal government “but there were no takers.” Warren said the federal governments will still stock trout in Lake Mohave . After a spring plant of some 30,000 trout in Lake Mead , the department isn’t going to stock more – at least for the time being. Warren said he expects to hear plenty of complaints. The quaggas were discovered in the Great Lakes and they attached themselves to boats, which were then launched in the West.
From: Mike Pergola
To: ""
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 12:21 PM
Subject: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Hello Mr. Dixon ,

I am a native Las Vegan of 44 years and I have some concerns with the way our recreation area has been managed. Over the years I have spent a great deal of family time on the waters of Lake Mead and Lake Mohave . In this time I have seen a lot of changes to the way the Park has been run. Like my dad did for me, I have taken my son fishing since he was in diapers and you cannot buy better quality time with your family than being outdoors. In the last 20 years the cost of a fishing License has risen 40%, and now we actually pay money to enter the park that was once free to residents and guest. Also in this time period Nevada Fish and Wildlife has decided to eliminate the stocking of trout in most every location which supposedly was done due to lack of money. I would like to know who and how you were able to get around the act that was written when the dam was built of mandatory trout stocking due to the inability for them to reproduce because of the water way being blocked. It does not make a lot of sense that all the fees have gone up and for some reason the funds have gone down. Launch ramps were not kept up with as well as water quality has dropped tremendously. If there is a hope of keeping this wonderful fishery running at full speed so that my sons children can enjoy it as we did, what is it? There is a lot of spending that that has gone on that has no economic impact on our valley, like the raising and planting of the Razorback Suckers for example. For some reason this fish has taken priority over the Rainbow trout that was also native to those waters. The amount of money spent on a fish that has no ecological impact versus one that actually does bring the state more money is ridiculous. What can locals do to be heard with serious issues like these. I am not alone. There are thousands of me out there that are all pretty upset over the changes that have occurred to such a beautiful park. Any help you can give to us to be heard would be greatly appreciated. Everyone start calling and sending them letters if want to be heard and have a chance at keeping this great fishery alive.
Mike Pergola
More from Alan

OK guys, here is your chance to complain about the Nevada Wildlife's decision to stop planting trout at Lake Mead, Cottonwood Cove, and Placer/Aztec.

The meeting is at 4747 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas tomorrow evening at 6-9 PM. Tuesday November 29th.....

I have called the Nevada Striper Club president and he is going to get as many as he can to come to the meeting to voice their complaints about stopping trout plants. Mike Pergola is going, Ryan Webb, Rod Howard, Jeff Smith and others are going to complain!

We pay for trout stamps, $10 entry fees to get into the Lake Mead National Recreation area and $10 for a boat....$10 for a trout stamp. They stock the inner city ponds where birds eat most of the fish, but not the lakes where trout fishermen and striper fishermen fish....and it is great for the Las Vegas area for business.

I was the key figure that championed the drive to get trout stocks going again at Castaic, Silverwood and Pyramid lakes in SoCal when they stopped stocking trout there in the late 80's. I wrote letters, contacted news writers and made many calls to the Fish and Game and complained heavy! I was at the Fillmore fish hatchery and confronted a trout stocking driver and his boss and they told me they were not in the business of feeding stripers and bass and I told them "look here buster, those are not your trout, they are ours (the fishermen) and we pay your wages and we want them stocked!"

After all the complaints, they started stocking trout again...

So to everyone of you out there, I would show up at that meeting and voice your complaints; The more the better...

Special thanks to Mike Pergola, he got this going....thanks man....
I am normally one to fight for our rights, but I don't see the issue here.

1) They don't stock enough trout in our lake to make a "Trophy fishery"

Some trout get stocked, some stripers eat fat for a day or two, and they resume life as normal, eating shad. They aren't making 50lb class fish in Mead by stocking a thousand trout a week.

2)They don't stock enough to ever be fished for consistently.

3)The big stripers will still eat ac plugs long after the trout are gone.

4) GIZZARD SHAD. Who cares about the trout feeding the stripers in the winter. Now we have an awesome, large baitfish all year long!

That's my 2 cents on the issue. I don't support them stopping the program, but it really doesn't bother me.

On the other hand, it would bother me if they stopped stocking at Willow.
I never fished mead for trout anyways too far to drive for a fish I can get right up the street. so it don't bother me either
Well placer and Aztec are part of the river, might as well be willow... Mead is kind of useless I guess but the rest should be stocked....Also like to add, Mohave doesn't have gizzard shad so the food supply is very limited... I don't think they have a huge threadfin shad population either fwiw... So it would be good to stand up for your rights...
eventually they will get in mohave trust me
[quote][Also like to add, Mohave doesn't have gizzard shad so the food supply is very limited.../quote]

Ok, so no gizzard shad means the food supply is limited? not sure how much u fish mohave but those fish out there are not starved. ask these 2 smallies that my dad caught the othr day if the food supply is limited.
Don't fish it much..I'm sure there not starving but stocking trout would make one hell of a striper trophy lake... It's been quiet some time since a monster striper emerged from there... Just saying man whiz is talking about a year round bait fish "gizzard shad" in mead which is true but Mohave isn't that fortunate yet... Lol
When I moved to Vegas, Lake Mead was a rainbow trout trophy spot. It was normal to catch 18 inchers and above.

When they stocked the lake with striper to apparently attract more sports fishermen, it ruined the lake for trout fishing.

As far as stocking Mead with trout. I really don't care, I don't fish for trout in Mead. I take my trout fishing up north to Eagle, Cave or Illipah reservoirs. If I get an itch for trout locally, I go to Lamb or Willow. As for Sunnyside, I prefer the LM bass but will take a trout if he takes my lure.
Also like to mention fwiw.... They could survive those warmer temps in mead and mohave... Maybe not the stripers but temps aren't a problem... The record rainbow from sunset park is 12 pounds 1 ounce... Some how that stocker survived the brutal temps of the urban ponds waters for numerous years to get that big... Didn't happen over night..Wink.
[quote Troylee]Also like to mention fwiw.... They could survive those warmer temps in mead and mohave... Maybe not the stripers but temps aren't a problem... The record rainbow from sunset park is 12 pounds 1 ounce... Some how that stocker survived the brutal temps of the urban ponds waters for numerous years to get that big... Didn't happen over night..Wink.[/quote]

it was the nuclear fallout from yucca mountain that seaped into the ground water i tell

i saw a 8-10lb rainbow swimming in the current at lorenzi in 2004... it is possible a few survived and didn't get caught/eaten/or fried by the sun
I'm sure those double digit trout didn't grow to that size in the pond.

Hatcheries will release their 'brooder' fish (those used for spawn supply) every few years. These fish are all very big, and it's not uncommon for a hatchery to dump a couple 5 to 10lb rainbows in the ponds every so often.

And Mohave doesn't need trout to supply food for the fish.
There are plenty of shad.
[url ""]
Threadfin Shad Shows Promise as Forage Fish in Colorado Rivers and Lakes

They've been there since 1954, and they are still spawning.

And yes, the gizzards will make it to Mohave soon.
well obviously it didnt happen overnight troylee.. but it didnt happen at sunset either
it could happen... u just have to believe!!!!!
I tought you would have a change of heart after landing that baby striper at willow... I know it gave you a better fight than 90% of the bass you have landed... I guess it boils down to what your poison is... The striper guys will always be in favor this while the bass boys could care less either way...I'm not here to argue either way man.... All I know is some day I want a fat pig stripe and this increases my chances so I'm in favor...
change of heart about what man?? sometimes I have no idea what ur talkin bout.. I think u spend to much time on the ac plug forums. Let me clarify my position, im a bass guy through and through, I could care less about trout stocking at mead, if I want a big stripe, im goin to willow... bottom line. just cause they dont dump trout out there anymore doesnt mean u cant find a big stripe.
i agree undertow.... i caught my 33lb'er on the overton arm and there hasn't been a trout up there in many years.
Actually I don't.... I haven't been on Alans board in a minute... All I'm saying is mead might be worthless to stock, but by stocking the river down at Aztec, placer, and Mohave, will only make it better... Sure some will be eaten by the stripers "which makes for better fish" but a trout fishery is also nice... I know a couple people that only trout fish down there and they do very well.... I'll drop it man... Obviously not gonna change your mind or any one elses to each there own...
[quote Troylee]Well placer and Aztec are part of the river, might as well be willow...[/quote]

But there is a hatchery on the shoreline at Willow. They don't have to truck fish around like they do at Aztec and Placer.

[quote Troylee]Also like to add, Mohave doesn't have gizzard shad so the food supply is very limited... [/quote]

I'm still a little lost on how you came to this conclusion.

They've never had gizzards - they aren't missing anything. There is ample food in Mohave without trout additives. Go catch a couple 5's and 6's out there and tell me those fish are starving.