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Didn't have a lot of time but since I was down toward the Lehi Saratoga Springs area decided to stop at Pelican Bay and toss jigs for a few minutes yesterday. I saw a couple other guys there and it didnt look like they caught anything either. Long story short. No Fish. fished off both docks, the north leg of the dike (both sides). I thought about going down to itty bit size and trying around the docks again . It was a nice day but I still got skunk on me.
[cool][#0000ff]Tis the season. Anything is possible on any given day. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Have faith, my son. Ye shall smite them mightily upon thy next venture.[/#0000ff]
Thanks TD now that I have been blessed and have the proper offerings I am sure there will be many fish in my basket. I wil display all of these with the proper ornaments hanging from their lips.
You guys crack me up it was a great day to be out can't wait to go again we will get them next time just wait.
[cool][#0000ff]While that little harbor is often overlooked by anglers, it can be good...or bad. It is not as big as some of the other harbors but offers some good cover and structure, with decent depth. However, white bass are known for roamin'. They move in and out according to their own whims and not those of the fishermen. As with other spots around the lake it can be bad one day and good the next...or good in the morning and empty afternoon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't forget. Thou shalt annoint thy lures with oil and perform the proper rituals. (Use a little fish scent and make lotsa casts)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, did you guys try fishing right off the end of the concrete ramp? For some reason that area can be a fish magnet at times.[/#0000ff]
I hit the dock ramp that runs on the north side of the boat ramp. I did indeed drag a jig through that area but......Zilch..