Well.... for me it was hot because I was using the custom jigs! After I had a dozen or so caught and released my buddy started hounding me for one so I figured I better share. Kinda a slow day for fishing with the custom lures! I got about 35 and my buddy got about 12! We took some 15-16 inchers home for dinner! Turned the rest back for you.... GO GET EM! It was about 30 degrees when we got there, got down to about 15 a couple times while we were there, It was back to 28 when we left and snow was falling! Ice was about 7 inches thick with about 6 inches of snow on top. Farely easy walking! It is predicted to snow all night until noon tomorrow, Ice is good and safe! We fished in 29 feet of water and there were big schools of little fish coming through at all depths! We used night crawlers and mill worms, again with our customs! Don't leave home with out em! Road was snow packed and slick going home. Parking lot was a little sloppy, I would recommend four wheel drive if your going tomorrow! Life is good!
Thanks for the post. We are heading there tomorrow after noon. Should be good. Are those customs by chance the cutters and gizzys? Hope so, cause I stocked up on them after you suggested them at the berry and mill meadow last year. Thanks again for the update
Thanks Glen, the update is much appreciated.
[:p]and the new ones are GIZZILLAS they kick butt
[laugh]I bet that place looks like Scofield did last year on the dam end. When that was what seemed like the only place in the state to ice fish. IT was a zoo. Never again on a weekend.
This was my thought exactly. Reading this thread, I was trying to figure out the point of hotspotting some of the only ice in the state. I guess it's worth it if it will help sell more gizzard bugs.
Glad I wasn't planning on hitting the ice there today. I'm sure it's a zoo.
If you don't have any "custom" jigs in your box up there they also have been hammering green colored jigs, especially genz worms tipped with crawlers.
Good luck and prepare for the slush now with the new snow, if you make the trip.