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I am planning on going after some rabbits this week but it has been several years since I have been on a rabbit hunt. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to try. I would love to find some cottontails but some jacks would be great too.

I am taking my brother who has never been so if anybody would be kind enough to point me in the right direction we would really appreciate it. I am in the Layton area so I know I will probably have to drive a bit but I am willing to if there is a good spot.

Thanks everyone.
Wish I could help you. I haven't been in years and I have not heard anything about what folks have been seeing. You could be the first to make that report. Keep us posted.
It's a couple hours away but you'll get into the cottontails pretty heavy anywhere around bear lake. Whenever I go I get all I can handle. I can usually get 10 in a few hours.
That sounds like cast and blast. White fish and bunnies. Yum........
Also a couple of hours away but above red creek res lots of cottontails good luck let us know where you find them
kelton is also a great spot its a ways away but we always get lots of jacks got like 100 in a day last time we went. Might want to take a shotgun youll need it the brush is thick and they will hold up tell there right in front of you.