I saw this on another forum and thought it was pretty neat, so i thought i would bring it here.
So heres my question for everyone?
What did you learn in 2011 that will help you out in 2012?
Ok I will start this one off : After a stellar 2010 season on smallies at PV I came into 2011 with high expectations and a cocky attitude, well with the high water it forced many pv anglers to learn a new lay of the land. On my boat we caught some hogs a few over the 4lb mark but not nearly as many as the year before. Also at PV the high water made the muskie a bit of a challenge compared to low water level years. I feel the muskie season was great, catching my highest #'s of fish as well as my two pb's.
So out of 2011, I came out with the knowledge of spots that worked and held fish last year might not be as good this year, and the key was to learn new spots and try new baits and presentations!
I am stoked for 2012, In 2011 with highwater yes the fishing was tougher but ultimately gave the fish a good spawn and plenty of areas to hide and grow.
My fishing season is just beginning

i learned that drinking 23 beers does not mean your are drinking less when you usually pound 24
fishing wise i concentrated and lernt me alot bout them thar streamers, and i mean the big nasty articulated ones for musky and bass. trial and error
ya really we still have 3 4 months of hard deck to learn some more things to apply to next years ice fishin.
tight lines
Dude how can you learn anything after 24 beers?? After 12 I already know everything anybody would want to know[sly]. Never seem to retain any of it though[:/]
23 smirnoff ices doesnt count bro!
Yes sir my hard deck season will start in the next few weeks but come on i know you learned something from the soft water season that you will carry over to next year?
Good post WC94.
One very important thing that I learned this year is that the fall fishing at Strawberry Reservoir gets better, and better, and better the closer it gets to ice on. If you think you can stand the cold at all, it is definately worth a trip.
That's right, Mr. Wildcat.
I learned how to catch Tiger Muskies

[cool][#0000ff]Hey ol' buddy, you also did a pretty good job of marrying up with a purty gal and having one of the cutest little boys on the planet. Ain't fishin' but you at least got a gal that likes fishing...and I know it won't be long until your new fishing buddy has his own gear too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been fishing a looooooooooooong time. I'd like to think I got a pretty good handle on most aspects of our sport. But the truth is that I still learn at least one new thing on almost every trip. Sometimes it is just a "dust-off" of something I used to do...and it worked...but for some reason I had stopped using it. Other times I reach the end of a long "evolutionary" process in developing a new technique...or a new lure...and get great personal satisfaction out of being able to catch fish on something new. You know me. Always got something new going on in the tackletorium.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One thing I had pounded into me several times this past year was that sometimes it really doesn't matter what size, shape and color of lure you use...if you don't fish it in the right place and in the right way. Had several trips that I went through everything in my tackle selection...catching nothing...and then once I got into fish I couldn't find anything they WOULD NOT hit. Of course it has gone the other way too, but finding fish is the single most important aspect of fishing. Anybody ever hear me say "Ya cain't ketch 'em where they ain't"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That's what I RE-learned this year. At least I think I did. I don't always remember things these days. That's why I gotta relearn...and make new old friends every day. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It's awful to grow old...but considering the alternative I'm gonna hang in there...and keep fishing.[/#0000ff]
Yessiree, Pat. Getting older is lots better than the alternative.
You hit on something I firmly believe. The single most important aspects to fishing:
1. Finding the fish.
2. Presentation.
Anyone who tells ya different, well...I'm willing to bet they're just not that great at fishing.
COOT - I agree 100% on strawberry fall fishing, the closer to ice up the better, brave the cold and you will be rewarded!
I learned How to better utilize soft baits for bass, they were always hit or miss before but this year i spent a good majority of my time using them exclusively figuring out what works and what doesn't. Also learned how to better read the structure and land around me to help locate fish without sonar.
Now to do some more learnin for the ice season.
I learned if your thinking about trying a new spot try it! I have found a ton of new fishing spots this year. And some spots that weren't that good but the success out weighed the not. And also +1 on what tubedude said:-)
A couple others before me mentioned the unique challenges this year presented with high water and a late spring. With that in mind, I learned that you're never too old, experienced or good at something to be humbled by it. That goes for poker too![pirate]
TD - thanks for reminding me of how lucky i am, i have an awesome cool gorgeous wife and a healthy son and a daughter on the way, i am lucky to have a wonderful wife who does like fishing. I can also thank you for teaching me many things, i have learned a lot from fishing with you and spending time with you. I hope all is well with you and the tubebabe, cyn and aisea say hello
For me the 2011 fishing season has been by far my most informational and learning curve i have had yet, I learned a lot from others success as well as personal failure. I can give credit to this knowledge from the people i fish with as well as the time i have personally spent reading and exploring new things.
Fishing is a sport, like any sport you have to work at it to get better, it just doesn't happen by snapping your fingers!
Its easy to see that on this forum the guys who catch the most and biggest fish
#1 put their time in
#2 study the fish
#3 use tactics others don't simple as that
Bill Dance best summed things up about becoming a better angler when he said the 3 things an angler can do to become a better fisherman is:
#1 fish with others who are more skilled then you
#2 fish as much as possible
#3 try new things that you haven't tried before (think outsie the box)
To me the steps are simple, however most people are afraid of change, going out of their comfort zone. I am here to help people learn and enjoy fishing, i love to fish and i love spending time outdoors away from the worries of our crazy world.
My hopes for this post was to help others learn from what we have learned and pass down useful information to those who need it, I am always willing to learn and listen cuz you are never to old to learn.
Learned a crap load this year thanks to bryce. Totally changed the way I fish. He got me into alot of new techniques. Thanks buddy.
[left][quote TubeDude][#0000ff]. . . Always got something new going on in the tackletorium.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]. . . Anybody ever hear me say "Ya cain't ketch 'em where they ain't"?[/#0000ff] [/quote]
I kinda figerred some of these typesa posts would pop up. Was thinnin to dig back and find one of last year's "GOALS" posts - and see if folks wanna revisit - "how'd ya do?"
As to Pat's mention - had the honor to visit and view the infamous tackletorium this year - what a learning experience (not to mention the smoked kitty!). As to the second point - nary a once heard mention. Probably thrice or more . . .
I think my biggest lesson this year was
(1) Use the drag {Luke}
(2) Just relax, wait it out.
First year getting into some bigger cats, bigger carp, some nice trout. First year on ice - what a riot (technically started in 2010) - hooked for life.
[left]"Bring out your sleds!"
Year's not over, but - I failed on Wipers, failed on Walleye. But I banged the heck out of some perch, got ONTO the Musky - with a little help from my Friends - got that netted-trophy shot of a nice 39" Musky. Many others hooked and battled.
Found a few better bass, but still not the hogs. BUT I caught more varieties of fish along the Bear River, and from Cutler marsh than I've ever seen. Started to believe in that fishery! Presentation, Location - reading the water.
Plus this year I feel like I've gotten to know a bunch more anglers. Learning from fellow anglers. Even for those I've yet to meet in person - has been nice to relate - share tricks, tools, trades. Can only look forward to more.
Ah - and not to forget - gettin' crafty. I've dabbled into more spinners, lures, blades, beads, even started the feathers and fur. Ok - some bottle caps just to keep things freaky. It's a great joy to catch a nice fish on something you crafted yourself. MAJOR Kudos to TD for the inspiration, knowledge - the artistry of FG, the insight, support of Gstott, ventures with Jdawg/Lava/Ben - the fellowship of various other mates - I look forward to a great Ice Season, and another round of seasons of fishing to attend. (if ONLY I could get out more!!!)
[center]And lets not forget the beauty of a well placed
[center]"In Before The Lock" kitty pic! [pirate][crazy][:p][cool][blush][pirate]