Had an hour to spare wile my son was in school so i hit up the river and man all sorts of fish small to medium size gills whities lmb every cast was a hit or a take. Wishin i had to not pick up my son but he is more important. But it sure was a blast.
yep its that time one they close the levy and the jordan flow slows down and al the fish get schooled up together and it can be hot!!!!! no crappie?
tigh lines
ya had a few of crappie you could see the schools of fish swimming along and scatter when a bigger fish swam by
sounds like a blast. i might have to try to get down there 2 morow if work permits it. thanks for the post biggriggs.
Well, drag your son back to the river with you after you pick him up! I'm always in trouble for stuff like that. Bringing a kid home after dark, freezing, and happy.
Mom would Cut my Nether parts off if i took him fishing down in the mud She is kind a wonderful woman but she has a heart attack if her little man gets Muddy! I hope she cuts the cord soon! lol
Hey big G sounds like your making up for working those massive hours all summer. Good deal. By the way little L will be getting old enough soon to get him in the boat or hopefully after cisco through the ice this year. Nothing more fun than watching a toddler netting fish. later J
Yep ill be going back to the jordan tomorrow [

I'll probably see you there... gah!