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[quote BassHunter1]???? light line? Small hooks? Is this the Little Dinkers Club of America???[/quote]

In my experience ice fishing, even da big uns take small bait and small hooks well under the ice, especially toward the end of the season. FIsh don't hibernate but they do slow down a lot, metabolism wise. They really might not be interested in a 16 oz buffalo steak, but show 'em a li'l stuffed mushroom appetizer, they might go for it.

Daughter last ice season caught a 21.75" cutt (just under the slot limit) at the Berry on something very small.

What I'm getting at is small presentation doesn't equal small fish, and especially not through the ice. I've had perch try to swallow nightcrawlers whole, as well, so the opposite (big presentation doesn't necessarily equal big fish) holds true as well.
Oooh ya gotta get in![cool][cool][Wink]!!
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Just curious - but were you dudes on debate team in school? It's just sometimes I feel like I'm the middle of an episode of "Point Counter Point" with Jane Curtin and Dan Akroyd!
Did I miss - is there a BFT-Tshirt offer for "winning" on a thread?

I thought the post was asking about ice conditions.

And from what your buddy CV sez - it's almost on. I'm not an ice-shelf kinda guy myself, something about having a full cap comforts me. Besides - best fishings on the other side. But if HE's ok on it . . . I need to get a spud bar![/quote]

+1 Coyote!

What spud bar are you going to get? I am planning on getting one myself, probably today, so if daughter can go tomorrow (not lookin' promising) we can do some early season ice fishing. I'm trying to decide whether to spring for an actual fishing one, or just go down to Harbor Freight and get something that will work the same way, and slap a wrist strap on it.
What I've noticed in here, and others have prob noticed too, the twins aren't happy unless they're in an argument i.e. trying to prove themselves for some reason.

We can all see that they're comparing apples to oranges when they keep bringing up the 'Mantua vs. Utah Lake' argument. The rest of us know that they are two completely different bodies of water, with entirely different ecosystems.

But.....they read books. Supposedly.

Anyways, enough of this. The people who have fished Mantua more than a couple of times know that pressure does indeed effect the fishing in that shallow reservoir. In another three weeks or so, the fishing will slow way down. That's just the facts.
[quote wishn2bfishn]Amen to that Northern. They could call it bowtye dye w/dork. I get sick and tired of all the testies that think they are all that and a bucket of you know what... This use to be site to help the fellow fisherman,but has turned into a testostarone board...pisses me off.[/quote]

Not everyone agrees, get used to it or get off the board and cry elsewhere.
[quote lavaman]What I've noticed in here, and others have prob noticed too, the twins aren't happy unless they're in an argument i.e. trying to prove themselves for some reason.

We can all see that they're comparing apples to oranges when they keep bringing up the 'Mantua vs. Utah Lake' argument. The rest of us know that they are two completely different bodies of water, with entirely different ecosystems.

But.....they read books. Supposedly.

Anyways, enough of this. The people who have fished Mantua more than a couple of times know that pressure does indeed effect the fishing in that shallow reservoir. In another three weeks or so, the fishing will slow way down. That's just the facts.[/quote]

Dude you win as king of the paranoia. Quick you had better get off the boards and ice fish like mad cuz in less than a few weeks all the lakes will be fishless! I have seen you bitch and moan more than anyone else about how the pressure kills the fishin.

For the record when was the last time we argued on here? Sure has been a while and I have kept my mouth shut but I get sick of reading your paranoid cry baby crap!
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