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Full Version: Things that make you go Hmmmm.
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I told my wife I was trying to choose between fishing with one friend on Thursday, or fishing with another on Saturday. She said why not do both? I was like....[Smile][Smile][Smile][fishin]. But then I went, hmmmmm, why is she trying to get rid of me?

So what I want to know, is could she be having an affair? If so, do I buy her lover flowers?[laugh][laugh][laugh]

Perhaps I should have posted this in the off topic section. [Image: dumb.gif]
nope no affair you just haven't seen how much she has spent on xmas stuff yet [Wink]
Boy thats the truth. But then how much is 2 days of fishing in a row without any hassle or explanations worth? Might have been a great deal. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
and if it is an affair as long as you don't have to see/hear about it and in turn you get to go fishing whenever you want...hey why not. [Wink]
I just take my wife with me............
[quote brownieguy]and if it is an affair as long as you don't have to see/hear about it and in turn you get to go fishing whenever you want...hey why not. [Wink][/quote]

true and at least ya know its not your fishing buddy's [laugh]
Just make sure you bring your rod and tackle with you...or else she might think you are the one having an affair [Smile]