12-16-2011, 10:00 AM
emoThumbsup Just a short , quick report for couple days this week. emoFish were more quality than quanity this week. Tuesday , had a 6 to go with some 3s and others. emoSun was nice and temps were great, little windy @ times. Water temps still in low 50s, little stain & lots o current... emoDance today , had a few on small side on traps, shakeys, T-Rig and suddenly, there was that desired JERK on other end of line..Holy Moly as Larry Nixon says, there is a bugeye bass in the tub, 8lb 4oz on scales @ Hamiltons, weighed, photographed, released..............I need to loose some weightm would help fish look bigger emoLaugh ........... emoGeezer emoUSA