Thirty four pound plus.... Yep that's what it was. a thirty four pound plus rainbow caught at American Falls this summer. Now who in their right mind wouldn't want to go up and fish a derby like that and catch a fish of a life time. So I am looking at it as being the best $80 I can spend this winter. Just being amongst Fishermen of that class will be well worth it. It's about 230 miles from Salt lake heck it's that far to Otter Creek and they go down there for 3 pound fish. This is a cash payout Derby not a $300 dollar gift certificate. Yes I am calling you out. If you consider yourself a fisherman come play with the big dogs......if not stay on the porch.
![[Image: bobwink.gif]](
Now there are still a few open spots so hurry and register at You can get an Idaho license at 6 a.m. for 1 day for $12 or $13 at the 66 gas station in American Falls. Go into town to the city park and hang a right it's 2 1/2 blocks down on your right hand side. They will have plenty of breakfast sandwiches, cold sandwiches and bait. They will also give you instructions to the res. It is just down a block and over a block and around the dam. As of yesterday the ice is 6-10 inches thick and crystal clear. The res. is over 60 miles long. One more thing have to fish with maniac lures and jigs with your bait of choice. I know I put a lot of pump into their custom lures but hey they catch a lot of fish. I would put them up against anything.
If I was to fish a derby this winter this would be the one. Real money not just a pat on the back gift certificate. I hate the way most derbys are run. Way less payout than moneys taken in. Can you say SCAM? Seams like any hilljack trys to get a competition going without creating a desirable venue. This one seams like a tangible and for-real tournament. Wish I could make it.
When is the derby, I am interested. I honestly only use Maniac Lures. I caught a 10lb Cutthroat out of Strawberry on a cutter bug last winter, they are amazing lures. Let me know so I can come play.
If I went up there, fished the tourney, and beat you, PIKEMAN....would I then be the man?
This thread is everything that is wrong with fishing in today's world.
I think I'll just go to Otter Creek.
Yes the date is January 28th all the details is on and you also sign up there. Glad to fish with ya.
YES!!!!! My friend then you would be "THE MAN" heck I would even give you the JoeJoe treatment. ( that is my youngest son that I catered the most to.)
Happy fishing at Ottercreek. It's like fishing in a Hatchery.
Is ther any place to stay at that is really close to the lake? That i could just take off on a snowmobile or atv and head out fishing?
I don't have anything against this tournment, but if people think record size rainbows come out of American Falls regularly they are wrong.
American Falls does have nice fish. Right now most people are fishing all day for a chance at a couple rainbows.
If you are after fast fishing American Falls is not the place.
On the other hand it will be interesting to see what size fish people get out of there for the tournament.
[quote PIKEMAN99]Happy fishing at Ottercreek. It's like fishing in a Hatchery.[/quote]
haha well put. wish i had the funds to make this tourney! sounds like a blast maybe next year.
I do not know of any place. We will be staying at a motel in Pocatello. And ride over in the morning.
Yeah it is for sure not about numbers at American Falls. I am just hoping to hook a nice one and spend time with my boys and fellow good fishermen. Any money won by anyone is just icing on the cake.
Is it about 20 miles from pocatello? That website will not let me sign up. Do i just call and sign up?
I know that 34lb trout are rare at American Falls but there is that chance to catch a 10-15lb trout which would probably end up winning a good chunk of the money! But hey, even if we don't catch 1 fish, we can say we went to Idaho and had a good time, cause you can bet we will spend some money while were there! I am just hoping that the entries get close to 150 so the pay out will be at its fullest! What better way to spend the pre-super bowl weekend!