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[cool] My first Ice fishing trip I learned a little, we got there fairly early and set up, my friend caught the first fish (TROUT) not to big and then I pulled one out not big either.
I got a hit and as I was headed to set the hook my pole dissapeared yep dam fish took my pole. well about an hour went by and my friend caught another one not to big and I had one to the top of the hole nice fish maybe 4 to 6 pound range but lost him, now the fun part my friend reeled in my lost pole minus the fish. Anyway headed to Salmon Falls Reservoir this Saturday 24th bank fishing and back to American Falls Monday 26th Ice fishing.Wee Ha.Are we having fun yet? [fishin] Also I posted a pic. of my girfriend with her catch up Steelhead fishing last November, She skunked me. .[angelic]
Fun report cantstop!
Good going on getting your pole back. Sounds like it was fun anyway.
ha ha i don't need to buy equipment just fish more second pole i have heard about this year coming back from the drink, beautiful steel head [cool]