24 inch cut the berry 12-23-2011
13.5 bow berry
9.5 crappie utah lake 12-24-2011
[#ff0000]9.5 [/#ff0000]
12.5 white bass utah lake 12-24-20011
10 inch perch utah lake 12-28-2011
12 inch large mouth 12-29-11 utah lake
17 jan 2012 the berry 26.5
[inline 407031_363760916983937_100000500951838_1558334_661847972_n.jpg]
16.5 rainbow the berry 17 jan 2012
[inline 408574_363760493650646_100000500951838_1558332_1011434055_n.jpg]
scofield 15 inch tiger 1-20-12
the berry tiger 2/7/2012 17.5 inches
8 feb 20[inline 432335_382079161818779_100000500951838_1618547_1571511535_n.jpg]12 deer creek brown 16.5 inches
18 inch bow deer creek 10 feb 12
deer creek brown and bow both 18 inches 13 feb 2012
22 feb 2012 brown deer creek 23 inches
lake mary march 16 brooky 13.5 inches
03-27-2012 the berry 20 inch bow bad pic's i soaked my good camera ice swimming in deer creek so count what you can see the best pic starts at the 40 mark and ends at the 60 on the 5 foot mark