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I'm going up to the cabin tomorrow near Island Park, and there is a slight chance that I will be able to ice fish while I'm up there. If heard that white "paddle bugs" catch them? I've seen these and I was wondering how you fish these? Should I pick some up? Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks a ton
Sportsmans Warehouse has them in White and they have some pink ones also . White works best , but sometimes pink works just as good . I have the best luck while Jigging them , but I have caught fish dead sticking also . Curt G.
Tip them with a wax worm or spike give them a twitch every 10 to 15 seconds. But I'm not the best fisherman on the ice so others will hopefully have better suggestions. Good luck J
I concure with both posts, paddle bugs rock dead sticked or jigged.
I've never ice fished in my life, do I just drop it through the hole an work it with little twitches? Do I texas rig it? I'm really clueless here [:/]
There is more to it than just the paddle bug. You have to use the correct line to give the jig action. At henrys I wouldn't go with anything less than 6lb assuming you have a good drag. 8 lb is the max before the paddlebug loses action.

If you use mealworms pull the head off.

I would jig twopoles if youcan. Let one sit while you jig the other.

I also wouldn't fish without a spring bobbed. It just helps so much. You would not believe the size of fish that can hit without you seeing it.

[quote TeenFishermanID]

I've never ice fished in my life, do I just drop it through the hole an work it with little twitches? Do I texas rig it? I'm really clueless here [:/]


You want to try different depths and different action. Let the fish tell you what they want. Try all the way from dead sticking to fairly fast jigging action. My favorite is to lift my rod a few inches as I quiver my hand simultaneously. I then drop it slowly or just let it drop. As far as how you rig them, they come already to go (the body is already attached on the weighted jig). Just tie them on, attach a small piece of bait (if legal where you are fishing) and fish them.
I stand corrected. I did a Google search and see that one can purchase Padde Bug bodies. The only ones that I have seen locally (in Utah) were already assembled.
Sportsmans has them both ways eagle claw and laker brand
Like this?:
Yes. I am not impressed with the hooks. They are sharp enough, but they bend too easily. It also helps if you have one of those devices for removing paint from the eyes of the hooks.
Using 4 lb. test I haven't bent many! [Image: happy.gif]
Maniac custom lures has a great selection and they work very good and are fairly priced.. my fave is glow orange! In 1.5 inch size.. when you split the tail ot gives them a very nice action while falling you will find yourself with allot of bites just from it droping to your depth chosen!! Left to right jigging seems to work best for me!! Witg 10/15 sec pauses inbetween.. im not sure what store you can get them from but i know you can get them from there web site.. they work well..
[quote MMDon]

Using 4 lb. test I haven't bent many!

[url "[/img][/quote]"][/quote][/url]

I bend most of mine trying to release the fish. Even using a pair of needle nose pliers I manage to bend them.
[quote kentofnsl][quote MMDon]

Using 4 lb. test I haven't bent many!

[url "[/img][/quote]"][/quote][/url]

I bend most of mine trying to release the fish. Even using a pair of needle nose pliers I manage to bend them.[/quote]

I was just kidding. Even the Eagle Claw hooks are less than they should be. [Image: beaten.gif]
Gamakatsu hooks there the best [cool] well there pretty good anyway!!
[quote jeremypeace]Gamakatsu hooks there the best [cool] well there pretty good anyway!![/quote]

They get my vote! [Image: happy.gif]
Buy some jig heads, 1/16 oz for bigger trout, 1/32 for smaller fish or or finicky bigger ones. use lighter line if you dare- the cold and ice seems to wear out line quickly (or maybe i tie crappy knots when my hands are cold) . Stick on a piece of nitecrawler (my favorite), or mealworm. Sometimes a plastic jig body (like paddlebug, power nymphy, or even curly tail) can really help. You can also put a little football of powerbait on the hook behind the jig body. I've had days whan that's the only thing the fish will hit.

Cut a hole in the ice where you think fish will be. Let your jig down and be alert, because sometimes fish will slurp it on the way down. When you feel the bottom, come up a quarter crank. Do little jiggles with your line for a few seconds, let it sit still for a a minute, lift your rod 3 feet and let the bait drop again, or let it down slow, or what ever. I think it's important to leave the bait still some of the time as it is to move it. If you dont get a bite after 15 minutes or so, bring your bait up 2 cranks and repeat- until you find a depth that hungry fish are at. Seems like I catch more fish just off the bottom than anywhere else, though.

Somedays the fish will slam it while you're moving it, sometimes they will barely tick it after you've left it dead for half an hour. It can feel like a house fly has lighted on the end of your rod, or it can feel like something is trying to yank your arm out of the socket and down the hole when they hit. usually, it's just a little tippy tap. Try and sense when they have the bait in their mouth and let them have it- it might take a few to get the hang of it, and like I said, they will bite differently on different days.

If you hook something big enought to rip drag off your real, you may want to stick your rod tip down the hole to keep the line from grating on the side of the ice- but usually you just play the fish long enough to get him to point his nose through the ice hole so you can pop him out.

Good luck- and let us know how you do!