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Full Version: TDs Perch Chowder
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[left]Been thinnin this'd pop up soon, as we're into winter panfish under ice season. And nothing beats a bowl of cold soup on a hot day, what a minute - strike that, reverse it. Haven't seen a repost yet, so thought I'd jump the shark, uh - er - gun.

Credit where credit is due. These are some of TubeDude's recipes for Perch/fish, especially the infamous Chow Down Perch Chowder. Hey - starts with bacon, can't go wrong, right! (unless you're a vegetarian)

Cya out on the glass, I mean ICE!

[cool][#0000ff]Ahhhh...but here is the latest edition of that old recipe. Got tagged (again) to whup it up for a family Christmas gathering and did a pictorial review of the process.[/#0000ff]