12-30-2011, 10:00 AM
<br /> WOW its been awhile since i have been able to hit the water !!! while glockjr and i didnt catch a bunch ,15 with 4 keepers. it was still an eventful trip . <br /> on the way into sale creek to meet up with catfish1 (jim ed) glockjr and saw somthing swimming across in front of us .......... a BOBCAT!!!!!! lucky for it that it was cold and i wasnt running wide open <br /> or it would have been turtle food !! we turned around to watch it swim to the bank, get out and shake off . of course we didnt get to close (last thing i wanted was a mad wet bobcat trying to climb in the boat ) so the pictures didnt turn out so good . what an experiance though .... in all my years i have never seen a bobcat swimming across a piece of water like that !!<br /> <br /> we met up with jim ed around the sale creek bridge and told him what we had seen and he accused ME of drinking a little to early in the morning emoScratch <br /> with the bridge being full of both boat and bank fishers we scouted out for some less crowded waters. with the help of my humminbird and his HDS side imaging we found what we were looking for !<br /> however it didnt seem to mater how big the school looked on the blowdowns we could only manage 1 or 2 fish off of each stop . we thought that with all of the seagulls working back there the way they were we would have better luck . <br /> then i look over and jim after hearing grunt real loud with his rod bent double and a seriously strained look on his face ....... i asked him &amp;quot; whatcha got on that spaghetti noodle a bluegill&amp;quot; <br /> then the drag started singing on his reel and it kept on singing , along with jims grunts , groans and other choice phrases it dang near sounded like an opera emoSmile <br /> after about 15 min jim got it close enough to see it was a &amp;quot;sho&#39;nuff &amp;quot; big striper !!! what fun it was to watch him try and net that thing in a crappie net ( imagine a one armed drunk epileptic trying to swat a fly in the middle of his back) emoPoke <br /> we headed over to help out but by the time we got there he had managed to get it in the net and in the boat (he did look like he was about to pass out from the excitement though ) .<br /> we got it on the scales where it tipped at 10lbs and 12oz !!! on a crappie rod with 4lb mr.crappie line !! way to go jim on a great catch on lite line emoThumbsup emoThumbsup <br /> after all of that the darn thing would even fit in his livewell so it went in mine emoBig after all i had never eaten striper and neither has jim . i volunteered to take it home and clean it and <br /> bring him back a slab of it at a later time. <br /> i will say after filleting so many crappie for so long this beast had my electric fillet knife working overtime . man what a bunch of meat that comes of off one of these things .i had <br /> to cut the fillets into 3&amp;quot; wide chunks that were 5&amp;quot; long an 1-1/4 &amp;quot; thick so it would fit in my little fryer. <br /><br /> oh and how tasty it is too !!!! after a dunk in buttermilk ,a few shakes in my fry seasoning and a long dunk in the deep fryer . <br /> jim you better hurry up and come get this other half glockjr is already eyeballing it emoBig <br /> <br /> even though we didnt catch a bunch of fish it was still a great day on the water shared with my son and a great friend. it will not be forgotten . <br /><br />