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Full Version: Starvation 12/29
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Couple of my sons and I headed to Starvy with the idea of catching some perch and testing my new Marcum LX7. Hit a couple of spots in the bridge area and although the LX7 was showing perch they would not bite. Had planned to chase some rainbows anyway so we moved to a small point away from the crowds and it was game on. Non stop from 9 to until we quit at 3pm. The best part was no planter sized bows all day. A nice fat sassy fish that had the drags singing. The fish were active from 15ft to 40ft depths and were all over the water column. I caught several dropping my jig down - could actually see the fish on my Marcum chasing the lure as it fell. The zoom feature of the LX7 was superb when fishing deeper water. set the zoom to cover 20ft starting at 5ft off the bottom and I could rapidly raise or lower the jig to the depth of the fish.

Did not matter what lure we used as long as it was tipped with a wax worm. Paddle bugs, Maniac Grizzlies, tubes, hair jigs, twister tails all worked. A white/pink color combo was a favorite followed by a purple paddle bug. We iced and released over 50 Starvation steelies for the day.

Just a few photos of the average fish. Biggest bow was 22" but my phone had croaked by then so Sadly no pic.
how thick was the ice
nice job buddy i am contemplating hitting starvy or da berry tues!
nice job good looking bows to i might have to hit starvation this year
Ice was a good 8" but by afternoon all the snow had melted and we "waded" back - water was 3" deep in some spots. Had water running down into our holes all afternoon.
Likely to be very slick ice for the weekend without any snow. WEAR CLEATS!
sweet thanks stan