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Full Version: Day with the girls
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I couldn't talk my wife into getting out on the ice with me on Wednesday, but my daughters were very excited to walk on water. On the way I was driving a bit fast and got pulled over. The officer was very nice and asked about our plans for fishing, then let me off with a warning. The girls thought I was going to jail! :lol:

We started off in shallow water 7-10 ft. Couldn't see anything on the bottom and only had one fish come near, which spooked quickly. So after spending the morning drilling holes, we did what we should've done from the beginning...went to talk to the old-timers. They guided us right as they often do. One even let my youngest reel up a fatty. We cooked some hot-dogs for lunch and set up as they were leaving.

My daughters were all over the place. They went hiking, wrote their names in the snow. And eventually settled down to fish. We had fairly slow but steady action for dinks. No more hogs came through. The girls were so much fun and had a great time playing with each other. Here's some pics...

Oh, and Yuba doesn't quite have safe ice.

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looks like you guy's had a good time.. sorry i could not make it.. jonny and the wife was sick that day so i had to stay home and take care of them.[unimpressed].. lol

i'm headed up to E-lake or cleveland today with Dave and maybe
Nice day out! Too bad the hogs weren't biting for you. It's certainly a good area to hike around when the bite is off though.