Looking for a GOOD fish taxidermist. The guy I was looking to use ( Dave Neil) I can't find. Not sure if he is still around. If someone has some info they could pass along for Dave or another good fish Taxidermist that would be awesome!
Sid Killian is incredibly good. He is not inexpensive though. If someone seriously wants his info, P.M. me. He'll do skin mounts or replicas.
what does he run if you dont mind me asking?
Grant Wilborn in harrisville is one of the best not sure what his prices are but he has several blue ribbons and best of shows he does an awesome job.
If you live in Utah County look for John Holley in Mapleton - he does an excellent job.
Dan Johnson at Wilderness Taxidermy in Syracuse does a very good job on fish. He has mounted the last two Idaho walleye state records as well as the current Utah state record wiper. [fishin]
Ditto on both Dan Johnson and Grant Wimborne. Both are extrememly talented artist.
if thats david o'neil he mess up my boy's 31 inch cut horrible paint job on it (im holding it in my pic) scott humble in springville is the best there is if he will take the work
It's been a couple of years since I've used him, but I think around $17.00 per inch.