01-04-2012, 10:00 AM
well thanks to Pat running south, yellburt called and said i finally got the back seat open if you can stand the smell of cigar smoke we will hit the lake, it&#39;s been a while since i have fished with my good friend yellburt so i said yes will stop by dollar general and get some good smell for the back seat and will see you in the morning. got to yellburts before day light, this was something he enjoys since pat doesn&#39;t want to get up early and fish because of well i can&#39;t repeat what yellburt said. hit the lake and wouldn&#39;t you know it the fish missed pat so much they&quot;crappie&quot; wouldn&#39;t even bite, so we tried for green trash then wouldn&#39;t you know it the boat missed pat so much it quit on us to, but yellburt did a good job he watched me fix it, but after all he did feed me and the boy hot biscuits and ham and white beans, after fixing the boat we headed to bennets the boy and yellburt did manage two short fish then the wind got up missing pat so we had to leave, all in all it was a good day even sent pat some harrassing phone video&#39;s. Thanks yellburt for the trip remember my boat is still down and pat is gone south so just call ok, all rights reservered in this story.<br /><br />ps pat please bring back a replacement back seat. emoPoke