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Full Version: Northland tackle Spoons?
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i was looking on the internet today and came across theses live forage minnow spoons that are pretty realistic and look like they might be good for ice fishing, i would attach a homemade chain to the nose of the minnow instead of the big treble on it. i was wondering if anyone on the forum has used these ice fishing or had any succes with them, cause personally for me the lures and such that are always pretty realistic arent as good as the simple imitations so what do you guys think. i dont feel like shellin out 6 bucks a piece if they dont produce as much. they sure do look tasty though[:p].

I've always liked something with some metal flash (usually chrome) over natural colored lures.
good at starvation...[Wink]
I've got a couple and I've caught some fish on them. They do catch fisherman! Though where I was at I think those perch would bite anything that was tipped with worm! Got a load on a plain hook dropshoting.

I've wanted to try them through the ice, but just haven't yet. They do have good action when vertical jigged - the curve makes them flip and flash quite nicely on the drop. You'll find some have an image on both sides, some have a silver downside, some even have rattles. Single hook built into the jig,or treble hooks that dangle. I think they've got some horizontal patterns, but most are vertical.

All I know - i it's one I don't want to snag and loose!
Yep they fish good. Been using them out to Starvy. Caught quite a few Perch on them. And a couple of cigars. I got a whole grundle of them. Just too many lures and not enough time. Let us know how you do with your home made chain and single hook. I've just been dangling a strip of Perch meat off them. I am hoping Deer Creek goes over, so I can try them there.
definatly DC. im crossin my fingers.
One of my favorite perchin jigs. They have worked great for me. I've also caught plenty of trout with them. My experience has been the smaller the better so that might save you a little cash.