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So, i know im not the first to think of it so surely someone out there can help me out. I love every part of fishing and every part of the fish i catch. im interested in retrieving the skeletons of some of the fish i catch as they would make for an awesome display. I know with bass and crappie, i can just clean them and leave them out where critters cant drag them off and time will do its thing. But, some of the cooler looking fish may be harder to do this too because we dont usualy clean grinnels A.K.A (bowfin). i know of some kind of beetles some use, and i also know that if i attempt to gut the fish the best i can i can set it on a big ant hill and that will help.But, im curioius is there any kind of liquids i can soak them in that will speed the process? or any other pointers from some of the craftier fishermen would be greatly appreciated. please reply, thanks!
Keep on fishin!!!
Dude,you need help[laugh],for bowfin,I once put the head in an old fishtank I keep outside,the tank was full of water and had some mud at the bottom,the bacteria took care of it,I'm not sure how it would work for the whole fish,it may just come apart at the joints and fall apart?I did make a nice mud fish chain. I glued the two jaws together,I even added some gar scales to even added a tooth from a lemon shark I caught.For the shark I threw it in the lake after I cleaned it,and a week later I went swimming and recovered the teeth[shocked]
I know for animal heads you can boil them. The beetles worked as well. I think there is a chemical that can be used. Saw something about it on awhile back. Good luck.