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what jig or rig would you recommend for cutthroat on strawberry? I have tried tube jigs, both jigging and dead sticking. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Tubes, pearl, glow (white and chartreuse), crawdad and black will all work. If I could only fish with one tube at Strawberry it would be a pearl tube. Use sizes up to 3 1/2 inches.

Tie your tubes directly to your line, unless you are using a braided line and then tie on at least 2 feet of leader. Do not use a swivel, either to attach the jig or put one (or an attractor) above the jig on your line or leader. Make sure the jig hangs horizontally.

Ice fishing, I usually fish water about 28' or shallower -- start shallow and then move out deeper, if necessary. If using two rods, drop one rod to the bottom and leave the other rod suspended (try different depths). I like to occasionally bounce the bottom jig on the bottom a few times and then just raise it a few inches and hold it there for a few seconds. If you let it sit on the bottom you will attract crawdads.

Tip with a small piece of minnow, 1/2 of a crawler, meal worm or a waxie.
try 3 inch gulp leeches on a 1/8 oz jig head
[cool][#0000ff]This same question has appeared at least a couple of times on this forum this ice season...and appears both for Strawberry and all the other lakes many times a year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The simple answer is that choice of lures is far less important than where and how you fish. You have to first find the fish and then present the bait du jour at the right depth and with the right action...or no action. You have to know the lake, have good sonar and know how to use both the sonar and your tackle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After that, whatever lure you use is just part of your BDS...bait delivery system. You CAN catch fish by jigging a baitless jig or spoon. But the odds go up dramatically when you add a piece of crawler, minnow or meal worm or waxie. The fish are sight oriented but a bit of flavoring helps seal the deal.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you were to go back through all the posts on Strawberry over the years you would find reports about catching fish on virtually every size, shape and color of lure imaginable. And to the people who post these reports, their choice of lure is often THE ONLY WAY TO FISH. They passionately believe that. And that is important because whatever you fish with confidence is going to produce better for YOU.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You should always carry some tube white, pearl, glow and even black or motor oil. Sometimes dark is better than bright. Chartreuse, hot orange and hot pink have also been good producers at times. And sometimes using tiny stuff works better than the big jigs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In short, take a good assortment of lures and baits and start with what you have the most confidence in. Find the fish and keep changing your presentations until you get fish. If the fish aren't active or don't like what you are serving...move until you find biters. And don't leave biters to look for others.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Make notes of the suggestions offered and be sure to have those things with you. But don't be afraid to try something new. There are times when showing the fish something they haven't seen before can work well...or not at all.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good fishermen can catch fish on the "wrong" lures. Poor fishermen can't catch fish on the "right" lures.[/#0000ff]
I've always been more concerned with what i am tipping my jigs with more than what jig to use in the summer i always use tube jigs it seems different days they want different colors i always start by tipping with shiners if that doesnt work i go to night crawlers or grubs ice fishing i usually do the same with any glow jig when it starts getting to the afternoon and fishing slows down rainbow powerbait always pulls through.
+ 1
I am partial to the maniac ice cutters myself, but the above advice you received cannot be emphasized enough. You need to figure out what the "pattern of the day" is. A couple of days ago, they would not touch a dead sticked bait, but if I gently jigged it, they would hit. (and I had a great day numbers wise) The week before, dead sticking was quite effective. Watch your sonar and see how the fish are reacting to the bait ad you'll be able to figure it out.
Thanks guys, I can't wait to try all of these ideas. I was just curious about what works for other people. For me it seemed that the bigger jigs had more lookers but I got more bites on the 1'' 1/4 tubes unless I'm getting hits and not seeing them. I have the fl 20 so I'm set for flasher, I guess a camera would be good. I have used a camera twice and both times the water was so murky it was a pain to see. Anyway I really appreciate the help!