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Full Version: eskimo shark z51 auger won't start
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- I have confirmed I am gettin spark.
- I have replaced the plug (gapped properly).
- Taken apart the carberator and cleaned it out.
- Replaced the primer and fuel line.
- Tested other gas to see if it was bad gas.
- I have tried pulling the plug, sprayed starting fluid in and then put the plug in and it sputter like it is going to start when I pull the crank.
- I have verified my carb is opening when I pull the trigger and open choke.

When I put starter fluid in the filter it wont sputter, like it isn't getting in to the engine.

Not sure what else it could be.

Any ideas? HELP!
Looks like you cover all the basics Id suggest taking in and having a small engine repair shop take a look at it.

Not sure what part of the state your in but these guys have serviced my gear in the past.

A-1 Saw & Mower Service
(801) 967-1683
5433 S 4015 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84118
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