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we had an awsome bite today with a 33lb and 36lber toping the scales and several other pups in the 20's jigging in 66ft and useing motor oil tubes!
Holy crap those are monsters!!! One day I'll catch one of those big guns!
Congrats on the catch of the day!
Holy Carp! Them's some big fish! Bet it took a little while to coax them beasts up to the boat! Arms tired?
Pups are 20lbers... man I'm fishing the WRONG waters!

Mind extrapolating - is a motor oil tube a brand, or tubes from a tire store, or maybe a spritz of WD40?
Just curious - haven't heard of them before.
Just a 4'' motoroil( is a color) tube jig. no i try to keep them scent free.
Nice fish! I got a couple questions, do you tip your jig with some type of bait? And say I was fishing 100 ft. is it ideal to use glow tubes, or do color tubes work better.
Good Heavens.
yes glow works very well on lake trout and a big chunk of fresh sucker is some time's key. but they can be caught with out it![Wink]
The Lakers fight for the honor of being caught by the revered Fishley! I can just see them lining up and arguing"it's my turn it's my turn!"

Nice job Ash, did you get them on those rods ?? my wife is getting excited for her turn at a 20 plus.
Why is the first photo photo shopped? Just to keep the location a secret?
Yes, that is true.
Well done! You are the man out there.
chuck the rods are doing great! cant wait to see you in may!
there was a beach full of topless women, not bft approved[Wink]
who needs ice??? lol nice work Ash... any burbot ice?? ben n matt are itching bad.[Wink]
well the ling fishing isnt what it was last yr? high water lots of forage and pre spawn its kinda dead! another 3 weeks and it should really pic back up there is ice from just below the confluence all the way up the blks and green!Iam going to go out tonight and waste the evening trying them out!
Nice fish Fishley. That looks like alot of fun. You just had a thread on a sick lake trout. One of the thoughts of the cause was removing the slime from the fish by hugging it for the picture. I hope that wasnt the cause. Fishon
That wasnt the cause! if it was, we would have seen it a hell of a lot more! that was the first fish I have seen with it in 30+yrs of catching trophy lakers! maybe with the water so high and all the 200lb anchors that are droped in ther spawning beds and dodging big treble hooks streesed them more than other yrs? I truely dont think it has jack to do with the slime layer but thats my opinion after 30yrs of C&Rin these awsome fish!
I'll add 30+ more years of "hugging" too. I don't think that's what happened to this fish. Besides, the gill plates aren't usually hugged, that's why we hug 'em! The disease would more likely occur to each side of the center of the fish's body where they rest upon the arms doing the hugging.

Like Ashley said, a hug sure beats dropping them on their heads. Its the lesser of all evils should a picture be taken.

Now, the BEST SOLUTION would be to never, ever remove the fish from the water. I finally have quite a few customers who are not taking pictures of most of these fish out of the water any more. I discourage picture-taking, but its still a losing battle in most cases. I can't blame most guys, I've done it myself over the years. But mostly, its get the hook out, and watch them swim away.

That's an easier sell this time of year, when its so cold out there that its not worth getting your hands frozen and your gloves wet/frozen for just another hug photo. When you already have a few pictures of some nice fish, you shouldn't need more and more, or pictures of every dang one of 'em. Maybe its time for "selective photography?" Hey, its a start!