I have had many in my life, and several right at the fishing hole whether it be river, creek or stillwater.
Now with ice fishing there has got to be some great moments, so how about it, your embarrassing moment or moments? Next question, did you try to cover it up by acting like you did it on purpose...?[laugh][laugh]
was out ice fishin once and i was fishing 2 poles about 10 feet apart we had gotten afew that day when my pole that was 10 feet from me started getting a bite so since fishing had been slow i was desperate for a fish so i jumped out my chair on the clear slick ice and tried to run to my pole when i slipped with my feet over my head and landed hard right next to my pole with the bite still happening, my dad said You ok, i

d when i stuck the fish while on my behind, pretty funny stuff. atleast i got the fish and sthe slip wasnt for nothing.
It is strange to, that most the funny stuff doesn't come with out some pain, like the show Ridiculousness.
So, there was no way of faking that one Jazz, dang witnesses...LOL
Last Sunday I had a muskrat come up my ice hole right at my feet. Everyone within a hundred yards was looking for the "screaming girl". My nephew laughed so hard he fell off from the bucket he was sitting on.
Was fishing the sulfur creek derby years ago. Fishing was slow.
long story short, I sledded off a 35 foot cliff, cleared the snow covered shore and landed on the ice. Broke my leg in three places, tore the ligaments and dislocated my foot, chipped a tooth and dislocated ribs. Search and rescue took me off the ice. About 200 people were watching. Had surgery the next day.
Completely sober.
I remember that like it was yesterday!!! I was completely un sober and still remembered to take pictures of ya! Bad times then.. laughable kinda sorta now! Always an adventure my Brotha Man!!
nt so much embarrassing as painful, but still a little of both, were you enjoying a few cold beverages out there? haha funny stuff
That reminds me of the first time I took my brother in law fishing. We were on The Bear, fishing from shore, when a muskrat popped it's head out of the water right at his feet. He freaked out and was convinced that it was trying to bite his toes off.
As for my embarrassing moments, one that comes to mind was at Electric Lake. It was a cold October day and I was wading near the Boulger Creek inlet. The water was very murky and next thing I know I'm up to my armpits in the frigid water as I'd stepped into the creek channel. That put a damper on a good day of fishing.
That isn't too embarrasing, that is more............AWESOME!!!! Sorry, but dang man! That is hard core.
Still got the metal plate and screws in my leg to remind me to not be a dumbass.[

Sometimes I listen.
I have have had several.
My most recent trip, getting run over by my own sled, because I forgot about sleds and gravity.
A few years back I was fishing Strawberry with Tincanfsh in my ice shack. Somehow, my lure came flying up the hole and the hook got stuck in my insulated overalls in an embarrassing place. With it's location, I couldn't see the hook well enough to get it out, so I asked Billy for a little help. Billy saw where I was hooked and laughed so hard he fell off of his chair. Never did get any help from Billy, had to unhook myself.
Quote:Fishing was slow.
long story short, I sledded off a 35 foot cliff, cleared the snow covered shore and landed on the ice. Broke my leg in three places, tore the ligaments and dislocated my foot, chipped a tooth and dislocated ribs. Search and rescue took me off the ice. About 200 people were watching. Had surgery the next day.
This is why I don't ice fish. I'm afraid I'll get bored and do something that "seemed like a good idea at the time."[laugh]
[cool][#0000ff]There's embarassing...and then there is EMBARASSING. At my advanced age there have been a lot of "delete" moments. Some that can even be discussed on a family forum.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If we are limiting it to ice fishing I guess one of my finer accomplishments was getting about 3 or 4 fishing buddies ready at my hole...waiting to help me ice the huge fish I was fighting...only to have it turn into an old rusty can before I could land it. I had a strike and set the hook into something substantial. And the uneven surfaces caused it to wobble and slide sideways on the way up...a good battle from a heavy fish. After everybody had cleared the area around the hole and were waiting with bare hands to grab the monster fish...I really caught a ration of doo doo.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I tried to convince them that I had done it on purpose to get them all excited...on a slow fishing day. But I guess my excited hollering was a dead give away. I was the biggest fool.[/#0000ff]
I don't see how one can ice fish and NOT have a moment.
But this is open to all fishing, just ice fishing is nice and ....fresh, LOL
I don't have embarrassing moments cause everything I do is on purpose[

] A couple of people I have ice fished with have given the funniest ones though.
1) Ice Fishing derby and fishing was slow so started talking to the neighbors with my fishing partners. One guy we talked to had an automatic jigger and when it started jigging the guy I was with grabbed the strangers pole, and wiped out his whole ice set up. Camera down, rod holder trashed, reeled on his pole upside down, tangled his line, and grabbed some dude we didn't even know pole. Top 3 funniest things to see in person.
2) EC out fishing all of a sudden hear women screaming. Look up see a guy nearby go barrelling over there toss the ice tent up. Lady comes running out with her pant legs on fire......Everyone's freaking out. Lady ends up taking her boots and socks off and walks back to the truck barefoot on the ice probably 700-800 yards. Guys she's with continue fishing........nothing to see here[shocked]
3) End of the day fishing we are headed back to the truck. Kids have been sledding down the access point all day it's slicker than snot. Me and one buddy pulling the rope and sled up the hill, another buddy pushing the sled from behind. Me and the first buddy lose our footing and let go of the rope, sled takes out buddy behind in the shins and he's down. Slid all the way to the bottom of the hill holding his chair above his head....look on his face as he's going down is priceless.
Awe the great memories. [cool]
[quote flygoddess]
I have had many in my life, and several right at the fishing hole whether it be river, creek or stillwater...
Well, let's read some of yours.
Most recent. I was fishing the pond with Pa. He was on the other side of the bay. I cast out away from this black thing floating in the pond. I was no where near ....whatever it was. All of a sudden while stripping the fly in, I feel a tug. I set the hook and continue to strip the fly in. Only I now notice this black thing is moving. Every time I pulled on my line this black thing moved. Getting it close to shore as soon as I paused, it tried to go back out. Turned out, a bird was all wrapped up in fishing line that was still connected to a fish. The bird was dead and all I could see before leader broke was a large shadow, catfish or carp, but maybe 24"+.
Well, now the embarrassing part, I headed back to tell pa, watching the pond and the bird when the ground flat out disappeared! I found the only hole on that shore line I swear to G. I went all the way down on my side, and quickly jumped back up with a What The Heck just happened look. I quickly zeroed in on Pa who was looking the other direction, so I figure..."It never happened, I'm cool"....[laugh][laugh][laugh]
My brother and I were fishing up on the North Fork of the Snake River. We had hiked up a couple of miles into a secluded spot above where the warm river dumps into the snake. Nothing but steep canyon walls on both sides of the river. I'm fishing the upper end of this hole and my brother about 25 yards below me. All of the sudden a huge SLAP in the water that sounds like a boulder the size of a VW just came down the hill and splashed in the water. I nearly crap myself, looking all over the place trying to figure out what just happened. I look down to my brother who is crouched down in the river lookin up at the sky like we're in a war zone or something! I look at the hillside and don't see any dust, nothin. After we composed ourselves and fished for awhile we start wading down the river again and I see a beaver hut several yards down from where we were fishin. He had obviously slapped his tail when neither of us were lookin at him. As we passed the hut, there were 3 of them, out of the hut just staring at us. I could of swore the big one was giving us the finger!
OMG, I have been there and the same thing I swear! When they slap their tail it makes a HUGE noise.
I think she started off with Ice-Fishing, since she ain't done it (yet!), so she could chuckle from the outside! teehee.
I started [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=705063;page=1"]THIS[/url] thread, and ended up with a number of humorous anecdotes.
I had a few tumbles and tangles that I try to forget about. Late fall - went off to Hyrum with Jdawg - along the way I was standing on one of the seats of the boat - when for no real reason at all (wasn't a wakeboarder passing or nuthing) I kinda lost my balance and footing and managed to "sit back" (aka fall) into the boat. Luckily INTO and not OUT OF!
Had a pretty good spill on the last glossy ice trip - drilled a hole, then when lifting to one foot while kicking away the slush - the downed foot went OUT, and I went DOWN. Quite the elbow slam man!
Then there was that BIG trout that stole my minnow, then followed my perch jig right up to the hole - bit it didn't stop there - LITTERALLY stuck it's nose up my ice hole. Pitched back down quick as a whistle, and managed to hook him back up. Alas - clear ice - I could see the chunk right through it - but I'm pretty sure I snagged my castmaster on the hole, and he broke off.
But there' nothing like hooking a fish through the ice - only to have it run over and either loop or snatch a neighboring line - and MAN that second rod starts a bouncing! No spring bobber needed THERE my friends! HAS to be a monster!!! or not. [unimpressed]
Done the - start the sled down the hill only to have it take out my feet, and then sit down the rest of the slope. Of course - gotta play it off like ya meant it!!!
Of course there was the mudfest at my first "wild" launch at Porcupine. Backed down the trailer - pushed the boat off as usual - went to pull out - and, uh, no. Slickery mud - in trying to get OUT I kept going further IN. Popped the trailer off, and still - was about to water lapping IN the cab when I opened the door. Then saved by a gent and his scouts - wasn't easy - but he did manage to pull me out. Mud EVERYWHERE - inside and out of the vehicle (note to self - spinning in mud = close windows!)
I've learned that a 'raw' launch requires you DON'T back down like you were on a ramp! Did better at low tide late fall at Newton - get close, and just push the damned thing in off the trailer.
Oh - and then there was the ONE time I forgot the drain plug. Of course I had my son ready to drive the boat to the dock while I parked. He hollers "Dad - there's water coming in" I respond "yeah - it just seeps a little" he says "NO! I mean REALLY FAST!!!!". Took a lot of trips before he was willing to drive at launch time.