Usually I hate reading questions on here....but I am just dying to are the ice conditions at Grantsville? Seems like it is cold enough during the night for some ice formation. Kinda a long drive for a poor college kid, so any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Come on I know someone on here has been out there. Thanks in advance.
I have family out there, I could find out later maybe. Reports I have heard says there is ice but how safe?????? That is the ONLY body of water I have EVER walked on and of course reason for this is I also fell through to mid calf...cured me of ice fishing all together. That was a few years back though.
I thought you swore off G? How has LD been?
I swore off summer/fall fishing Grantsville. With the pontoon down and no boat that place is one tuff place to fish. There are some nice fish in there though. Got 1 bow on the line that was a beauty. Call me stubborn but I want to give it a try on the hard deck.
A buddy of mine (Aquaman) was at LD last friday. He said it was half capped with thin ice. He managed some of the usual number of cutts. Seems like when I was there last they were hangin at the inlet in the shallows....or out in the deeper areas along the shore. Best fishing there is right before dark. At least they are getting fatter.
I was wondering the same thing; or settlement canyon. Must be really good if no one is posting[

[quote bugs1]Must be really good if no one is posting[

+1 to that. Apparently Vernon Res is frozen over. The overnight lows are in the teens this week. I bet there is enough ice now. An angler was fishing there December 17th and claimed that the south end was safe enough to ice fish.
I bet some Grantsville local is grinding their teeth now cause they know I am gonna go down there and post about it.[

] Anyone interested?
Flygoddess will come through with the news.
And I am sure the locals in grantsville would enjoy some company.
Hell ya im in on a trip 2 gvil[cool].
Still tryin' You guys ever try that canal right by the freeway and Great Salt Lake? There use to be some serious Bass in there. Bluegill and crappie too.
Heard plenty of stories about it. Kinda hard to find any parking. Last I heard UHP will tow your car if parked on the side of the highway. Plus last time we went by there, there were some construction crews.
[quote in2fishing]Hell ya im in on a trip 2 gvil[cool].[/quote]
Alright bout a trip to gvil with evil! Come on I know there is ice there. It is gonna be 11F degrees there tonight.
Check the weather reports especially for wind I fished the hard deck there a couple of years ago in the wind. It really sucked. but like you said there are some nice fish in there.
[quote pmunson]Check the weather reports especially for wind I fished the hard deck there a couple of years ago in the wind. It really sucked. but like you said there are some nice fish in there.[/quote]
Yep we windsurf that place. Nothing like a steady southwest wind at Grantsville. Someties the North wind can be good too. At least when there isn't wind there is fishing!
Lets stay on track here-does anybody know if the ice fishing is any good at grantsville or sc? [fishon]
Sorry guys, my nephew hasn't been out there, so no word on the ice. I can't even guess, because it is lower elevation and heck Deer Creek still hasn't iced.
Good luck and waiting for the report.
GVILLE HAS FISHABLE ICE ON THE SO END ABOUT 5". Fished for a couple of hrs with no luck.
Thanks...I was gonna head out there today to find out for myself.
Thanks for the update[

There is plenty of parking. You just gotta know where. [cool][shocked][sly]
Looks like you asked this question a few weeks ago, but I wanted to throw in my two cents none the less. I was out there Sat, Jan 28th and it was wide open waters! Not a stich of ice except for some along the south shore (maybe 4 feet out) as well as on the south boat ramp. I was excited since I don't have ice fishing gear and actually had a chance to cast my line out there! Let me know if you need a report....I'm heading up there Fri/Sat ish and hoping for open waters again!
boat launch??? there is a boat launch now?
Time to take the pontoon or boat out.