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I had a free morning so I drove down south. The first stop was Redmond. Beautiful morning!

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I had never fished this reservoir before, but the previous post about it got me interested. I threw on a minnow and hoped for the best. No more than 5 minutes passed til this guy paid a visit

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soon another that was almost identical in size

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The cats were fun, but I really wanted a pike. Hours seemed to pass and I was debating on leaving, but something zoomed off with my minnow. I set the hook and brought in a little pike. I would guess him around 2 feet long, maybe smaller. My pliers were about 30 feet away in my tacklebox, so I set the pole down letting the fish have about ten feet of line. He shook the hook before I could officially land him [:/][frown] bummer, but still cool. Things got really slow and so I decided to go for some trout.

I drove by Nine Mile Reservoir and it was mostly iced over. There was one guy out there on the ice, but I didn't have any ice gear. So I thought I'd try PaliSade. I was met with some fishable open water

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Had some quick success on a worm under a bobber, but wanted more than just planter rainbows. I wanted some tiger, but they alluded me this trip.

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Couldn't keep rainbows off the worm, but I craved Tiger blood. Tried minnows...nothin. Threw metal...nothin. Streamers...nothin. I tied on a white tube jig just for fun and didn't expect anything. No tiger but to my surprise the little rainbows liked it.

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They were tiny, but it was a fun trip all in all. Bonus was I got to stop by Snow College and see ma' girl! Wished I woulda got more pike and some tiger trout, but eh there's always another day

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what a nice, calm, warm looking, middle of Janurary day. some great pics and good to see that you at least got a little action and too bad about the pike. I think i will be down there this weekend to try my luck at one of those toothy fish, never caught one so anything would make me happy, and i will have my camera ready to snap a pic[Smile]
Nice post and that sucks about the pike. I am planning on going there to redmond this saturday any suggestions? Never fished it before[Smile]
You make me want to head out right now to Redmond. Thanks for the report. You are making me jealous!
well since you are going this sat. i guess i will go with you catcherman.
what is the slot limit for pike?
lol whats the slot limit for pike? lmao.... you guy's are funny... if there was a slot on pike i'm sure you would have a hard going over it in redmonds!! you'll be very lucky to get one over 30 inchs.. most in ther are 20 to 25 inchs about 1 to 3 lbs..
No slot. State limit of 6 applies.
It was my first time fishing it, so I am in no way an expert. There was a local guy there walking his dog when I arrived. He showed me where the warm springs were and sent me on my way. I was using chub minnows. Hope that helps. Pikeman99 or Fuzzyfisher would probably be more helpful than me [Wink] happy fishin this weekend and good luck
Great report.......I have wanted a pike for so long that I am pretty close to making the 150 mile one way drive down there just to get one. Keep the posts coming.
So did paliSade have any ice or was it open water
There was quite a bit of ice. The pictures don't do it justice. The ice is located along the dam and up the western side, almost the entire length of the reservoir.
Yes the springs are the place to catch the Pike. Take your lawn chair and go enjoy yourself. Thats funny to hear about the local guy walking his dog sounds like me little brother is getting his exercise. A half an anchovie works as good as grub trust me.
If you are wondering about safe ice on PaliSades. I would say its not safe not safe enough for me any way. It is only two inches thick.
Lil Fish went out and drilled a hole while I stayed on the bank[Image: bobwink.gif] and cheered him on.
Are there very many LMB caught out of it this time if year? If so any tips
There are a few large mouth bass fish in there. And yes this time of year until March is the best time to catch them. Then it gets slow because the water in the lake gets warm. hope this helps.
yep that helps and hopefully i can get into some