Okay I know it's a little early but in years past the cisco started running up on the rock pile west side a little early and we would occasionally snag one while jigging for trout. Has anyone seen the Cisco starting to stage and do you have an idea if next weekend will be the run or not? Just trying to get my plans set. Thanks J
Called BL F&G they said next week they will set their answering machine with a report after 5:00 each night. They haven't seen any cisco yet but were going to go out and check later today and seen if any of the fishermen were starting to snag any on the early indicator locations. More later J
Thanks for checking on the cisco run, usually Bearlakefishguy post a report when some numbers start showing up. In years past, I always shoot for the 17th of Jan and a couple of us were thinking about going up there on Monday. I would almost bet you can catch some jigging the Rock pile but I'm not sure about getting the boat up there[:/].
You're welcome I think you're right about the rock pile and that's where F&G were going to check today. One of my more fun memories was jigging cisco off the rock pile. That was a lot more fun than netting them but I only got into them one time when there was ice. Canyon hasn't been too bad this winter so you probably could get a boat there okay. Just that occasional black ice patch that can sneak up on ya.